Discussion for article #225725
Rational Americans agree with you, Meghan… Now, can you and Cindy finalize that plan to put your Dad in that nursing home?
Most sensible people have.
Imagine how Cindy feels. She is still having to have the house fumigated weekly, following the Palin family’s visit 6 years ago.
My name’s McCain, and I have an opinion about something.
Let the media stampede commence!
Sarah who?
Sarah plain and dull.
Sarahan Wrap?
Meghan McCain Explains it All to You!
Sarah’s living her wildest fantasies thanks to stupid people and John McCain.
(Be sure to thank your dad Meghan)
“Americans are innately curious about her for a lot of different
reasons, whether you love her or you hate her, people are curious,” she
I, on the other hand, am cursed with an insatiable curiosity about why otherwise ostensibly sane and intelligent people would find Sarah Palin to be a person, about whom, it is worth being curious.
My Neon Tetra says it’s “tired of aquarium filters” and is starting its own fish tank!
"Why my Dad picked that burned-out hillbilly meth whore I will never know.
So, you did, in fact, need some things from Sarah Palin.
Could you expound on what these things were?
…and the only reason anyone knows that either one of you exists is because of Daddy “Crash” McCain.
To me, the Palin Channel is a pretty interesting business experiment.
Take name recognition by 100 million US adults. For every 10,000 (0.0001 of the population) who will pay for your content, you’re grossing $1m per year (with what looks like very little overhead). And it’s both easier than a book and recurring revenue, plus Norma Desmond always belonged on camera anyway.
If Palin gets six good months with 50,000 pearl-clutching scolds paying for her wisdom, that’s enough capital to make any studio improvements that are needed right away. From there, it looks like she keeps total equity in a shoestring organization (conveniently playing to her anti-MSM schtick now that she is well forgotten by said media) that can pay her millions per year (conceivably), stop at any time, and answer to no corporate hierarchy (or pesky lawyers/editors).
In truth, if her public aspirations weren’t once so high, this would seem like a brilliant business model for a latter day Michelle Malkin.
Meghan who?
Let’s not give the irrelevant offspring of irrelevant politicians any more air time than they deserve.
Sign me up for TetraTV!
I can see it now. One of the shows in their lineup will have to be “Mutherin’ Tips with Bristol” and “Meth Cookin’ with TripTrack”.
Better her than the Unholy Spawn of Cheney the Undying.