Discussion: Medicare 'Doc Fix' Vote Divides GOP Presidential Hopefuls

Discussion for article #235319

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) hailed passage of the legislation β€¦β€œThis reform bill is a big deal,” he said. β€œFor the first time in nearly two decades – and without raising taxes β€”
Congress has come together in a bipartisan way to pass meaningful entitlement reform.”

But I thought Republicans wanted entitlement reform to lower the deficit?

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Sahil Kapur, TPM:

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) hailed passage of the bill, which includes billions of dollars in Medicare benefit cuts for upper-income seniors.

Any chance we can get a write-up on what those Medicare benefit cuts are, and at what level of income they kick in? That would be useful information to have - both for assessing whether this is a good fix or not, and just for general information purposes for anyone potentially affected by the cuts.


Please, TPM, go for some accuracy and give Rand Paul his correct title: Self-Certified Opthamologist.

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Now, we just gotta keep working on the patient fix.