Indeed! It’s actually amazing there are any of them left in DC after so many of them got stuck on those islands fighting past wars like Benghazi, Whitewater, and the ever famous Battle to Remove Deep State Libs from the IRS (though they hadn’t invented the deep state yet back then).
They are running scared. They may even already know that Mueller’s looking at them. If nothing else, a good case could be made against Meadows and Nunes for obstruction. And it’s odd that Gowdey has been strangely distant from the “dynamic duo”.
But the information for the SDNY came from Muellers investigation. In any event, the reslugicans should be worried.
They are there–Just waiting for maximum havoc when released.
Some of these clowns will end up like those Japanese soldiers lost on isolated islands, still fighting the war decades after it was over.
Hopefully, they’ll be pursuing that campaign from their caves in the maximum security wing of Fort Leavenworth.
Meadows: Also compromised with Russian money and/or Russian hookers, or just a traitor?
It’ll be like Watergate squared. The Russians have been very busy for a long time. So what do you call a jailhouse lawyer who actually has a law degree? Because I think that’s going to be a thing.
One thing for sure, he’s a Tea Party crazy. We can only hope he loses his seat next November. (Not likely to happen, I know, but I can dream.)
Meadows is SUCH a fraud. He is head of the Freedom Caucus, ran on the Tea Party platform and has done NOTHING but try to obstruct investigations into ANY wrong doing by Republicans since day one. I don’t know which one is worse…Meadows or Jim Jordon.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov AKA “Lenin” had a name for the Mark Meadows of this world: “Useful idiots”
“I’ve always wanted to be somebody,” Meadows said. “What better way to achieve notoriety than to be jailed for Obstruction of Justice along with the ‘big guys.’ I’ll make history!”
Do we have to choose?
Mark Meadows is the poster boy for Trumpian lackeys and errand boys. Like Hair orange Furor ,Meadows has no principles or political philosophy other than Power. It is all that he cares about. Meadows was a quiet little mouse as Trump’s budget created the largest deficit in history. He has been a quiet little mouse whenever Trump lies ,which is often and on matters big and small. Meadows is the face of fraud,the face of mendacity, and political bullshit.
What’s the odds with a political background like this one, as found at Wiki,
Meadows is in the closet, deep in the closet?
That’s the phrase I was groping for!
Justice Department officials claim releasing an unredacted version of the scope memo could compromise the Mueller investigation
Feature, not a bug
He’s just a dipshit extremist who worships Trump.
Meadows Escalates House GOP-DOJ Feud, Requests Audit Of Mueller Probe
The remaining question isn’t about these degenerate legislatures -
As long as 37%-42% of Americans hold steadfast to their tribal chieftains, American Democracy is been transformed into a crypto-apartheid system.
He is in my district. It is so carefully gerrymandered that it is unlikely he will lose, even in a blue wave. The Southern Baptists love him because they think he protects them from the LGBT community and dark-skinned people. They are terrified of coming into Asheville, what with all the tattoos, lesbians, and people of unclear sexual persuasions, but they come down from the hills to vote and the only thing that would make Meadows lose is if they didn’t show up at the polls. I personally am hoping for indictment, followed by a long stretch at Leavenworth.