Discussion: McDaniel Asks McConnell To Condemn 'Race-Baiting' Mississippi Ads

Discussion for article #226050

…McD offering McC advice on campaign ads…



Turkeys of a feather flock together…


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The man is quite barking mad.

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Pssst…McConnell is only worried about McConnell. And he most certainly doesn’t give two shakes about McDaniel, who no matter what plays out, will not be an elected official at any level of the government next year.


Is this a death hold for survival or a choke hold? Kamikaze coming in.

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Is the clock at 14:59 yet for McDaniel’s time in the spotlight?


Yup, “conservative” white guys from Mississippi who regularly attended events for pro-Confederate causes and whose supporters just happen to be the same people who actively supported segregation and who just happen to be the people who have done and continue to do everything in their power to deny Blacks their right to vote shall determine who is and who isn’t a racist! How absurd. This guy and his supporters are some sick scum.


The fact that McDaniel has close ties to white supremacist groups seems to make no difference to him.

Crazy is as crazy does.

This does bring up an ironic comparison to a scene from Blazing Saddles.

Not exactly. McD is calling on McC to condemn negative ads that are being run against McD. McD believes they are being run by other Repubs (Haley Barbour et al.). The radio station says they are Dem ads.

Clearly the guy is not in control of himself. Reminds me of an addict who can’t stop sniffing that stuff!

Another words, if somebody doesn’t get me a cushy job doing nothing, I swear I will tear all your butts up by telling the truth. lol lol lol