Discussion: McConnell's Legacy Hinges On Reshaping The Courts Under Trump

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I think that The Turtle’s tombstone should reflect his legacy … What an evil russian, Koch bros, Mercer controlled person he’s turned out to be …


I disagree with the headline and the premise of the article.

McConnell’s legacy hinges on avoiding having his grave converted into a public urinal.


No rule too settled to be broken in the service of taking US jurisprudence and civilization back a hundred years.


Newt Gingrich’s malicious contributions toward government dysfunction paved the way for McConnell’s abuse of the system.

Just giving discredit where it is due.


Tickets have long been sold out for the pissing on his grave event.


I guess everyone has seen former Maj. Leader Frist come out with an editorial saying Mueller must be protected and Rs need to stop being assholes and put country before party. (Pfffffffft)

Historical footnote: After Bush/Cheney came into office, in "02 I think it was, the Senate flipped to Rs, it was really McConnell’s “turn” to be Maj. Leader, but Cheney put pressure on the Senate to put Frist, a single term Senator, ahead of Mitch who had been there 20+ years, for the post. The reason appeared to be they wanted a younger more camera friendly face. Mitch was pissed but had to deal with it.
So now Frist has come out of the woodwork and is tut tutting McConnell and the rest of the Rs. A little hypocrisy on his part of course, but it’s interesting he’s speaking out. Probably his hospital empire is feeling some pinch from trump policies or he’d just carry on raking in the $ and not bother.
Strange days indeed.


Yes Newt did that for the House to be sure, but McConnell has been working on undermining Senate rules and regs long before Newt hit the scene.


Milbank has been an asshole for who-knows-how-many years, but he was right about McConnell. Without Turtle’s traitorous actions in response to being told about Russia’s interference, we’d probably have President Clinton. So, fuck McConnell and everybody that looks like him.

And, as far as pissing on his grave. Count me in, but I think it might be more effective to piss on him while he’s alive, that fucking traitor.


It began when Democrat Harry Reid of Nevada


Naturally, an AP article.

                  McConnell's Legacy Hinges

are already rusted quite solid … I’d venture —

And in years to come … when the full fiasco is brought to light …

Mitch’s crooked manipulations will far overshadow any mention of the Judiciary …


Inasmuch as he is aiding and abetting Trump’s likely tenure as a One Term President*, the Crybaby won’t be able to appoint enough corrupt thugs to the bench to achieve Mitchie’s dream.

And, afterwards, in 2021, Mitchie can feel the heat as the Senate Investigations (not to mention DOJ prosecutors) target him.

  • His goal was to make Obama a One Term President, and he’s so frustrated, he wants to yet achieve it, this time not by obstruction but by helping.

As Archie Bunker would have said, lots of people want to deliver the urology,

And, as far as pissing on [Mitch McConnell's] grave. Count me in, but I think it might be more effective to piss on him while he's alive, that fucking traitor.

Upvoted for “that fucking traitor.”


Read about Mitch and his discharge from the Army!

What is Mitch McConnell hiding?

Besides his chin?


I’m pretty sure McConnel’s legacy hangs on the Meuller investigation not outing him as a god damn traitor for his actions in the '16 election.



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His legacy will be that of being surrounded by angry mobs whenever he steps out the door.

Most of them are going to be Trumpettes with guns when they find out that they, too, are losing their medical coverage and jobs because Mitch empowered a fascist Con man.who works for Putin in destroying our republic.

Jesus never asked for Supreme Court Justices to do His work. Neither did the Satan, but that’s who McConnell is channeling.


That comes up every so often and has for 40 years or so. It’s most certainly true but nothing ever comes of it. At least not in the past 4 decades.

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