Discussion: McConnell Pushes Back Funding Vote But No Deal With Dems Announced Yet

In a floor speech announcing the schedule change, McConnell laid out an offer promising that the Senate will vote on an immigration bill if there is not a larger immigration deal between the Senate, the House and the White House by Feb. 8, assuming that there is not another government shutdown then. He also offered to vote on a spending bill on those terms at 10 p.m. ET Sunday night.

Well that is a lot fo convoluted horse-shit coming from a liar who never keeps his word (ask Collins he her “promised” ACA stabilization vote disappeared never to be seen again?).

They could pass a clean CR with DACA and CHIP funding tonight with a veto-proof majority. But McConnell is too much off a lying scum sucking piece of shit to bring it to a vote.

There was another attempt but he Democrats, this time by Sen. Duckworth to pay the troops during the #TrumpShutdown but the GOP leadership again objected.

This is the second time they have done this (first time the GOP blocked it was when Sen. McCaskill brought it up and McConnell objected) and should only underscore and kill the GOP lie that Democrats are preventing troops from getting paid. Cornyn owns the #GOPshutdown:

Later Sunday afternoon, Democratic Sen. Tammy Duckworth of Illinois took to the Senate floor to call for a measure in the meantime to assure pay for military personnel and for military families to receive death benefits despite the shutdown.

“Let’s at least take the simple, commonsense step that we all agree on,” Duckworth said. “Let us remove any possibility military pay and even worse, military death benefits will be used and held hostage as political leverage.”


With the understanding that the DACA bill would not be subject to the Hastert Rule (majority of the majority). Otherwise, no deal. It would die under the Hastert Rule.


The gop is going to wait till the last possible moment to save the daca kids…they are going to attach to a bunch of terrible things dems don’t want and dare them to reject it. Thus making the dems the bad guys if they do and everyone else will see it that way as well.


The dems have got to learn to play the gop game if they have any hope of getting things they want

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But DACA would pass if brought to the house floor. The commitment from Ryan has to be the bill is brought to a vote by Feb. 8.

Exactly. There will never be a clean DACA bill. It will be something like ‘people in nursing homes have to drink Drano’ coupled with DACA.


It would pass … if it is brought to the floor. The Hastert Rule, where the majority of the majority has to agree to bring it to the floor, can prevent the DACA bill from even going to the floor. The Hastert Rule functions much like the filibuster in the senate. However, unlike the senate, a more deliberative body, the house is not designed to operate this way.

And I don’t see him doing that

It needs to be harped on and amplified again and again that Democrats just want to see these issues brought up for a vote. The problem is that Republican leaders are too terrified that they might actually get passed. They are so afraid that there is a semblance of bipartisan support that they are willing to shutdown the government to prevent DACA from being considered. They are more worried about the Freedom Caucus than they are about the lights being on.

Bring it to the floor, Ryan.


It will never be a clean vote on this. The gop is going to attach it to something they want like Medicare,ss, and Medicaid cuts

I would welcome a black hole popping up just off of Venus …

If it would get November here sooner —

That’s the point.

The shutdown is screwing with the speech writing for the SOTU address next Tuesday. Gotta love that! If it were not for the body count that 10 days of shutdown would cause, I’d be all for it not getting resolved until next Wednesday. Let’s see Tighty Whitey claim that the SOTU is strong when the biggest employer is out of business.

This could be a very bad week for T.W. I see him getting laughed out of Davos after he touts his tax cuts to the grown ups. And there is the potential for humiliation on any number of fronts. He doesn’t know to stop digging when he finds himself in a shit hole. Whatever happens, he will make it much worse. Popcorn? Yes please - the extra large with lots of that fake butter!


Moreover, it never could or will be built. Give the baby his bottle and then let him choke on the dregs.

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The only bill Republicans can pass is one that increases the deficit while giving billionaires huuge tax cuts. They don’t care about anything else.

This SOTU is going to be darker than even Trump’s inaurguration speech was. There is no use playing up the economy when everyone knows he’s going to screw that up just like he’s done everything else. Donald has set a sinister tone leaving everyone on edge wondering when the US will hit rock bottom. The media is so intent on reporting all of Trump’s temper tantrum tweets that they are missing the big picture.

This country is a death spiral unable to right itself. It’s only a matter of time before we get kicked to the side of the road of history unless we make a critical adjustment in November in the Midterms. The GOP has given up trying to govern or even wanting to do it. It’s opened up the door for Russia and China to prevail over us worldwide.


Ain’t that the truth. For the last 30 years, the ONLY legislation that Republicans consistently support is WHATEVER will end up transferring more wealth from the poor and middle-class to the wealthy. And if anybody opposes them they scream, "Class Warfare’. If you don’t believe me, just go back and look at the record.

When my son was itty-bitty I would entice him to eat popcorn by sprinkling “magic butter” on it (some brand of butter salt). Once he grew up and could see through the ruse we started buying the extra-super-buttery microwaveable stuff and anything else was unacceptable.

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The proposed CR has a 6 year CHIP extension. We’re basically getting a CHIP extension for free. Keep in mind that CHIP funding expired months ago and the GOP has had every intention to end it completely or use it as a hostage every month. This proposal represents GOP surrender, and Dems still have leverage to call their bluff on DACA. A 6 year CHIP extension means every red state Dem will have a major competitive advantage in their races b/c the reason red state voters vote for these Dem Senators is because they protect health care. Delivering CHIP as Doug Jones promised would be a huge win.

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