Discussion: McConnell Promises Gov't Shutdown Standoffs In A GOP Majority

Republicants - Continuing their job of destroying America from within. All because Presiding While Black.

And they’re DAMNED proud of it!

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Maybe they’re waiting for the last week before the fucking election in November. They generally say after Labor Day is when people wake up from their summer slumber and start paying attention to politics all over again. I say Dems need an early start setting that Alarm Clock, cause that snooze button keeps getting pushed way too much by a bunch of sleepy heads in the party.


Go for it, you fucking subhuman filth.

You’ll own it. Totally. You won’t have the “Democratic Senate” to blame.

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AmerICANs, WHO are ALL center RIGHt leaniNG, APPLAUd McConnELL and HIS pLAN to SHUT DOwn GoverNMENT. THE ONly REASOn REPUBLicans in CONGress HAVE such A LOw aPPROval RATIng IS beCAUSe to DATE They HAVE not BEEn ABLe to SHUT down the GOvernment AND BalaCK insaNE nobamazerotwoterm’s ILLEGAL ISLAmo-fascist PResidENCY and HIS plans TO TURN amerICA into A SOCIALIstic Utopiary!!!1!!!one!!!1!!!


I think Democrats should thank McCain and company. Thanks to their angering every major voting block that matters, we know the Dems will keep control of the Senate and will keep the White House
McConnell suggesting the GOP will have government shutdowns right before the Presidential elections is no way to win in 2016.

Is there some kind of code in here with the random capitalization?

Yeah more serious wasting of tax payer money at the cost of stifling the economy recovery…

hey mcturttle ya have to be elected first and allison grimes is gonna kick you shell oh I mean tail in KY…I just wanna know why would anyone vote for a party that has done everythiong it could to stifle jobs productivity and screw the american people as much as they have…all I can say is dems get off your asses in 14 register hell grab everyone you know and get them registered i already have and drag there asses to the voteing booth come election day cause do sit there and whine about how things are if ya dont vote cause your just part of the problem if your not gonna be part of the solution

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More Kapur plops.

McConnell has to say this right now to drum up his base (and his Senatorial cronies) who are completely fed up with him.

He needs to do this to keep his job - same as Boner who is just a pathetic drunk who will do anything to keep his job. Even though he does nothing with it.

TPM is going full “Drudge” with those photos of the smiling Turtle and a less than happy President Obama, as if the President would actually respond that way to what the Turtle promised? Does TPM actually think they are being cute by doing that? Wow, how low TPM has come.

“We’re going to pass spending bills, and they’re going to have a lot of restrictions on the activities of the bureaucracy,” McConnell told Politico while traveling on his campaign bus across Kentucky. "That’s something he won’t like, but that will be done. I guarantee it.

  • Mitch McConnell

*I’m Fitley (D-Chicago) and I approve of this message.

I’m sure the Chamber Of Commerce and Wall Street will be just as supportive as they were the last time.

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Morons. Idiots. Idiotic morons.

AKA the GOTPer base.

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I like this. This one is wise.(sarcasm) Say it loud, say it proud! Tell everyone how you are planning on shutting down the government. What better time to do that then just before the elections.(sarcasm)

Isn’t there a precedent for this last shutdown?

In JM’s wet dreams this site is as successful as Drudge. Maybe that’s why.

Add this most recent threat to the list. Which gun will the GOP choose with which to shoot themselves in the foot?

-Government shutdown
-All the above


The Ghost regularly posts his snark using the style of and batshit crazy Talibabtist


True, but until they have 67 seats in the Senate, screeching is all they will be able to do on that front.