A pox on your “pledge.” A pox on all of you Repuglicans who are working to destroy all that has made America truly great.
Shouldn’t we wait to see what the new Congress does?
What the asshole is saying is he is going to deny Democrats any voice in two nominations. Hold on to your hats. This is going to become the new normal. Winner take all politics as far as the eyes can see. Party uber alles.
I thought presidents weren’t allowed supreme court nominees their last year in office.
“Unless a Democrat is in office, in which case we get to block and insult judges as much as we want”.
McConnell will go down in history as one of the reasons the US declined so much between 2014 and 2040…his efforts have done tremendous damage to the nation, and its laws, and will continue forward for decades. And he’s proud of the fact that he’s ruined things so much…hopefully he lives long enough to see the nation’s downfall because of his policies.
Too close to the election. The next Senate should get to make this vote.
The only thing that will prevent Trump from getting his pick on the Court will be truly blockbuster charges from Mueller. Anybody thinking that Murkowski or Collins or Flake are going to do anything but eventually roll over and vote for whatever Federalist Society lunatic that Trump nominates is sniffing glue.
And it’s not just reproduction rights in jeopardy now, either. The existence of the ACA, Social Security, Medicare, the EPA, and any other governmental involvement in public life is at stake because the ultimate goal of the GOP since the Powell Memo has been to return the United States to the Lochner Era.
But this person really won’t feel any pain. If any of her children or grandchildren ever need an emergency abortion, she has the money and she’ll know the right people in the right places who can make it happen.
This old guy has never married and has no children, so he doesn’t need reproductive rights, either.
I’m just_ Fuck You you fucking fuck for fuck’sakes. FUCK!
ETA: Oh and fuck Elaine Chao too.
Anyone who is under investigation by the FBI and the CIA and the entire USIC for acts of treason is not qualified to be POTUS, or to make any nomination to any court in this country.
what about the voice of the voters in an election year? is that only every other election, or is when it suits the needs of the repube party only?
this nation is toast
11 seat SCOTUS, here we come!
Whatever happened to “Let’s wait until after the election”? These fascists really can’t compete on a level playing field.
Why do I think things have taken a terrible turn for the worse…like the four horseman are on the gallop worse.
Hard ball dems do not let this vote go thru…do exactly what bitch snitch mcconnel did and block this all the way to Jan,30, 2019…every candidate…Bork comes to mind right after Garland…
Yeah, McC should give TT’s nominee the same careful consideration that he gave President Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland.
I wonder if Herr Trump goes with another establishment pick, or “goes off-script” with a Judge Janine. He’s not beholden to them like he was when he acquiesced to borin’ ol’ Gorsuck. Why would he let Mitch get all the fun again?
Bullshit. The Garland Rule means votes are after elections (per McConnell). End of discussion.
Dems who make this happen get support in general and for 2020 candidates. Full stop.
For all those shell-shocked witnesses to this madness, take this to heart. If snatching babies from nursing mothers to put them in concentration camps wasn’t enough to galvanize you into action, then this clear demonstration that your own rights are now on the chopping block should help focus the mind. Now, get out there and vote, and once we get past the indictments and convictions and have a new President we can start rebuilding. Shocked but sane people can vote, instead of standing on the sidelines complaining that the choices “aren’t good enough” to earn their vote.
And one vital piece of that rebuilding will be bumping up the SC justice count to rebalance things - think of it as “obligatory justice inflation”. So instead of 30 more years of this madness, it’ll be just a couple of years to start fixing things.
If every sane person turns up to vote…
Chris Matthews is raging that the Dems must block this and prevent a new Trump justice from being confirmed. He had no real answer when Kornacki asked the obvious question — How?