Discussion for article #221398
Agreed, dealing with you and your TP friends would make for a horrific experience for anybody.
Chew on this Chin Man:
The below statistics reflect activity on kynect as of noon, April 10:
-402,407 Kentuckians are enrolled in new health coverage
-322,827 have qualified for Medicaid coverage
-79,580 have purchased private insurance
-51 percent of all kynect enrollees are under age 35
-33 percent of all private health plan enrollees are under age 35
-Almost 1 out of every 11 or 9.3% of Kentuckians have insurance through Kynect.
*These numbers do not include:
-Folks who filed their applications after noon and until midnight on 4/11
-Those who signed up but hadn’t picked a plan and had until the 15th to select a plan.
-Those eligible for Medicaid who can continue to sign up.
-Those who purchased plans through an insurance agent.
By election day, we could be seriously looking at 500,000 or more Kentuckians insured under Obamacare. Good luck running on taking healthcare away from more than 10% of Kentuckians.
Now wouldn’t be great if the Turtle actually cared about his constituents
I think Turtle’s exaggerating. The worst experience of any woman’s life has got to be lying in bed next to Mitch McConnell.
The fact that McConnell is still playing Anti-Obamacare Warrior tells me his internal primary polling isn’t that great. A few months back he looked to be trying to slowly pivot away from repeal but lately he’s back to bug-eyed opposition. As I said in another post, even though yard signs aren’t a measure of votes, Bevin is kicking the crap out of McConnell in that department. I think there’s some real energy building for Bevin, particularly in Republican strongholds. This thing ain’t over.
I think there’s some real energy building for Bevin, particularly in Republican strongholds.
Your mouth to diety of your choice’s ears
This visual is forcing me to go get some brain bleach.
When is the primary election?
I prefer a stiff dose of good Kentucky bourbon. It works as well as brain bleach. The Terrapin said his problem is with Obamacare and not the nominee. But to get at Obamacare he’s gonna be a street thug and beat up on a nice lady who has no cause to be treated so harshly. The Terrapin is telegraphing that he intends to jettison gentlemanly behavior and bring out his misogynist side. And those that will suffer the most are the ones who want health coverage if he gets his way. Anything else I could say would stray into less than commodious language.
May 20th, but I’m not sure too many people are paying much attention yet.
They just can’t help it. Republicans have become Monty Python’s Silly Party.
cannot post images so I’ve deleted the post…