Discussion: McConnell: It's 'Clear' Cochran Won But McDaniel Has A Right To Contest

Discussion for article #224805

McConnell said those sorts of complaints are “dealt with at the state level.”

Unless the state is Florida and your last name is Bush. Then you need to run to the SCOTUS and get your pal Scalia to pull a 14th amendment argument out of his ass and grant cert.


McDaniel has the right to pound sand up his azz. And Cochran has every right to mock everything “Loser McDaniel” says and does from here to eternity.

All  thanks to the First Amendment.


Oh wow. Mitch is really going balls-out with this one.

That’s some GOTP courage from our boy.


Voice of the Turdle is practicing for HIS November electoral “dispute.”


Kiss teaparty Ass much Mitch ?

Allison Lundgrim Grimes commercial hitting McConnell,
on Medicare
is a thing of beauty to behold. It’s perfect !

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Has the entire GOP collectively injected antifreeze into their brains?

WTF? this is dumb even for turtle man.

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“It’s ‘Clear’ Cochran Won But McDaniel Has A Right To Contest”

Yes folks, the results are “clear” but who would deny a recalcitrant GOPer the opportunity to solicit contributions, I mean feign outrage?

Oh McYertle, you’re such a decisive sort! What a statesman!

Pass the vinegar, and some nice Amontillado to go with turtle soup, please?

From where does this “right” spring forth?

Dear Yertle,

Post turtles (and other fence-sitters) need to know this. There is a pretty famous theorem in logic: You can’t have your cake and eat it, too. You needs to figure out which side of the fence you’re on.

The right springs from Yertle’s desperate need to be every GOTPers BFF.

I pray that this McDaniel row lasts for months. Can a disinterested party start a write-in campaign for someone else? Rattus-stupri here we come!!

That’s going to require a great deal of walking around money.