Discussion for article #223050
If only McTurtle could be trusted.
McConnell is so strident in his opposition to immigration reform that he wants to deport his own wife!!
Ya hear that, KY aficionados (double entendre intended)?
This traitor, this RINO, this turtle in sheep’s clothing refuses to take a stand against those vile commie Democrats and crush them where they stand. Clearly he doesn’t deserve your votes.
I’m surprised Sahil Kapur didn’t write " when he becomes majority leader next January." I’m sure a correction is forthcoming.
LIAR LIAR Pants on Fire !!!
Yeh…he so enjoyed *F’ing himself in front of the SenateSonsOfMitches
McTurtle’s just a girl who cain’t say no…
You would like to think that these fine examples of American legislators go through the rigors of being elected to make a difference in the future of America but…you would be mistaken,apparently, their merit comes from preventing the democratic process from working as intended…this alone is a reason to get to the polls and elect people who are actually interested in governace.
My 81 year-old mother, a 20+ year poll worker and FDR Dem who didn’t want to vote in Tuesday’s KY primary because of no media info for down ballot and no contest up top, said to me Wednesday morning, “Was that young Chinese woman standing near that old man his wife?!?!” I said yes and tried to explain DC’s vogue of 50 and 60 year-old female somethings’ trolling for certain widower 70 and 80 somethings while hinting that Mitch could have, just as easily, bought a young wife from one of his Saudi buddies.
Translation: I won’t change the filibuster rule until it is to our advantage to do so. The man is a disgrace.
This wouldn’t even be an issue if he hadn’t behaved the way he has for the last five-plus years.
DoctorA: I don’t believe McConnell.
Yertle McTurtle is such a disgustingly vile and filthy lying weasel that it seems nobody on either side of the aisle, or in any political party, believes a word he says.
yes, but who is trolling for whom? The trollers deserve each other.
Which is why he will kill the filibuster as soon as a glimmer of opposition shows up. And blame it on the opposition.
He knows this. And so he pretends his intentions are otherwise.
Deceptive freak; hope he doesn’t get the chance.
Actually, I believe him on this one. If the GOP does take the Senate (alldeitiesforbidknockwoodtheywon’tturnaroundthreetimesandspitovermyshoulder) they’ll definitely make Obama’s last two years in office hell for the whole country; but McConnell also realizes that their majority is likely to be short-lived given what 2016 looks like. Now, if somehow he’s not their leader, or if the crazy base agitates for it so vociferously that the GOPers find them hard to resist, it could happen anyway. But I think McConnell means it. Vile he is; stupid and short-sighted he’s not.
Hmmm…Harry Reid said something similar and then see what happened…!!!
Now the fillibuster is only for judicial appiontments that repug stonewalled for partisanship. If the right gets the senate, they will end it, and you better hold on because it will end U.S.
Hopefully this man won’t get to go back to Washington after November, let alone be majority leader.