Discussion: McConnell: I 'Welcome' Mueller Report, Since GOPers Feel Russia 'Poses Threat' To US Interests

Hey Mitch, it might be helpful for you to know that Russia (as the Soviet Union or just Russia) has been against American intetests since the end of WW2. You might wanna clue the denser of your crew into that cold hard fact as well.

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With the tsunami of crap coming out of tRump, his maladministration, and the gop congress critters, it is hard for political wonks to keep up with it all much less the average voter. So, knowing McConnell’s refusal to go public, Dems should try to bring up McC’s horribleness at every opportunity to at least try to unmask his treacherous behavior.

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Google the following:
McConnell, U S Army discharge, gay!

The common enemy ploy. Yes, let’s agree to definitely buttress our defenses against Russia, on all fronts. That can be leveraged, if the Dems do it properly, to include further and deeper investigation into what the Russians were up to at the Trump Tower meeting, Kushner’s attempt to set up a secret, back channel communication link to Russia, etc. Would be great to have Kushner testify before the Senate about that, Mitch. After all, there’s nothing to hide.

Mitch McConnell spews more BS by the truckload? Ah well, nothing new coming from the other “Ivan”…