Two other Olympics class assholes who come to mind are Phil Gramm and the odious Jesse Helms. Golly, the GOP has always been the Smug Old Douchebag Party, haven’t they?
When Mitch McConnell wakes up in the middle of the night and starts worrying, he ruminates over whether he’s been sufficiently evil this week.
America’s least popular senator will need more help from Russian oligarchs and connections at DOT if he’s going to overcome a -18 net approval rating (32/54, per Morning Consult).
Needless to say, this jackass doesn’t get shit. He has always been deliberately obtuse.
McTurtle thinks all he has to do anymore at his job is make some idiotic declarative statement and people will just have to accept it. He really doesn’t care that most Americans think he’s about the worst Senate Majority Leader ever. He’s willing to ignore the needs of hard-working Americans at the expense of his own desire for power, which is unprincipled and unethical at its core. I hope they can turf this insensitive piece of shit out of office. If anyone deserves to be made to payback America for all the damage he’s done, its this guy in tandem with tRump. We don’t need anymore fucking enablers in Congress that are willing to aid and abet an amoral maladministration or his own greedy desires.
“Evil and twisted”
Roughly since after Lincoln went to the theatre…
Just as Trump only cares what his Russian Overlords think, McConnell only cares what his Chinese Masters think.
Wait…what? For real? That literally has nothing to do with socialism. Was it socialism when we added Hawaii and Alaska? The Louisiana Purchase? WTF planet am I on? How do I work this? Where is that large automobile? Am I right, am I wrong?
(Comment deleted due to excessive profanity)
we will take care of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
Questioning “take care of” while making pistol gesture with hand.
Which movie was that?
“He has always held out until the very last minute and only then, under intense lobbying and public shaming, has he even deigned to move on it.”
Case in point.
Mitch McConnell has one intense focus: raw political power. And he glorifies in public pleas to this alter of power.
Shame does not exist for him, but lobbying to a point that he has no political choice, that he will respect.
All I know is that this is not your beautiful wife…
There you go again, thinking that words mean things.
Socialism is another magic, talismanic word, which, when invoked, is designed to halt any debate on any matter about which people on the right are in profound ignorance. Viz. “Freedom”. “Values” , etc.
Agree, but Gingrich has little moments when it appears he can at least judge how bad it would look if he didn’t at least try to make himself look like he’s doing some evil thing for “a good reason”. McConnell doesn’t even try to mask his meanness.
9/11 first responders should disguise themselves as a bunch of Russians wanting to build a steel mill in Lexington. They’d probably have a few hundred $million$ fall in their laps that way.
Same as it ever was.