Discussion: McConnell Challenger Matt Bevin Probably Knew He Was At A Cockfighting Event

Discussion for article #222004

It is a sorry state of affairs when attending a ‘states rights’ rally is considered to be ‘ok’.

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Here’s a fun debate topic: Which way of speaking at a pro-cockfighting rally is more disqualifying for a candidate for the Senate—deliberately, or inadvertently? There are really strong arguments either way, so have at it!

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Remember Sue Lowden in Nevada claiming that people can barter chickens for health care?

The Fowl of Doom strike again!

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Serves me right, I shouldn’t of brought a gun to a cockfight. Or is it a cock to a gunfight?

Not only did Matt not know he was at a cockfight but he was amazed to find out he has nine kids!

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it’s a sorry state of affairs t h at bevin is even running.

Do cocks fight in a cock ring? Asking for a friend…


Bevin attended cock fights when he was a grad student at MIT.

Well he is consistent…everything he says is lame to the point of parody.