Discussion for article #222004
It is a sorry state of affairs when attending a ‘states rights’ rally is considered to be ‘ok’.
Here’s a fun debate topic: Which way of speaking at a pro-cockfighting rally is more disqualifying for a candidate for the Senate—deliberately, or inadvertently? There are really strong arguments either way, so have at it!
Remember Sue Lowden in Nevada claiming that people can barter chickens for health care?
The Fowl of Doom strike again!
Serves me right, I shouldn’t of brought a gun to a cockfight. Or is it a cock to a gunfight?
Not only did Matt not know he was at a cockfight but he was amazed to find out he has nine kids!
it’s a sorry state of affairs t h at bevin is even running.
Do cocks fight in a cock ring? Asking for a friend…
Bevin attended cock fights when he was a grad student at MIT.
Well he is consistent…everything he says is lame to the point of parody.