Discussion: McCarthy Suggests Benghazi Committee Was Created To Sink Hillary Clinton In The Polls

Discussion for article #241202

Not really. The fact that Secretary Clinton is not a very adept campaigner has hurt her campaign.


This does make him seem not quite ready for prime time.


Doesn’t change the fact that the speaker of the house in-waiting has as much as admitted the GOP are burning tax dollars to conduct a partisan political witch hunt, the sole purpose of which is not to investigate and learn the truth about anything, but to damage the political prospects of an adversary.


HRC is in this campaign for the long term so has not yet unleashed her campaign chops, and when she does, she will kill. She will stay on message, she will be gaffe free in debates (first one’s in two weeks), has a mind like an encyclopedia and is comfortable with confrontation and competition as we have witnessed at that mockery of a Benghazi hearing. This guy’s a dim bulb with nothing on his political record to speak of. He got lucky early on and won a lottery, opened a store, nothing on the political stage.


Secretary Clinton has never been a particularly adept campaigner. She’s incredibly brilliant, yes, but she has never been able to really humanize herself to the voters. This includes the last several campaigns she has run.


I only wish people who support the Republicans understood that. They won’t.


Spoken straight from GOP talking points. Congratulations for drinking the Kool Aid. You’ve done exactly what the GOP wanted you to do. The GOP mantra is to repeat something over and over until the media accepts it and reports it as fact. Which is then taken by lazy readers/viewers as fact.


One almost wonders if HRC is playing possum at this stage, or maybe employing the political equivalent of Ali’s rope-a-dope. Take every incoming blow, hold off returning fire, and then once they’ve emptied their magazines, you come out with guns blazing down the stretch, reintroducing Hill to the nation and leaving the detractors in the dust, their mouths agape. Would love it if this is actually the case and there is a true method to the lame madness we’ve seen so far, but can’t really assign a very high probability to that outcome yet.


That is a dumb thing to cop to on national TV but I think Kevin McCarthy was trying to be too earnest in demonstrating his leadership skills. Kevin McCarthy seems a little dim witted and can barely read but at least he is not a drunk. As my friends in Texas might say, "Bless his heart’


She’s like a lot of people in the political arena, maybe particularly women, who pull their punches for fear of the attacks that will so easily ensue with the slightest misstep. We may chortle at what the press does occasionally to Fiorina, but in order to not invite attacks, HRC can come off sounding evasive but never incoherent. In her unscripted moments there is a lot of humanity and feminism and dare I say it, soul.


All this hyperventilating is premature. I am predicting that the Democratic debates will be heavily watched. I am guessing that the public really doesn 't know who Bernie is (due to a miserable lack of coverage), and will be curious, and they have been fed a manufactured image of Hillary. When she comes across as warm, gracious and well-prepared, that will not fit the memes going around. Wish the first one was right now. The debate will be SO unlike the Republican farces, as there will be a real discussion of actual issues.


There it is! There’s the real reason for their benghazi-gasim!

And, NO, not so.

The fire breathing benghazi trolls would never vote for Hilary anyway, regardless.

To those of us that are not crazy, your benghazi-gasim ruins your side, not ours.


Hillary Rodham Clinton has never been a particularly adept campaigner. Had she been, she would have been able to fend off Obama’s surge in 2008. She’s not a bad campaigner, but she has never been all that adept. Her current ads, which are running in my market, have been bland and rather limp. Her ideas seem less than adequately put, and the way she put things to Lena Dunham with regards to enthusiasm were rather limp and not well put.

Secretary Clinton is a brilliant mind. I actually wish she had been appointed to the Supreme Court, but that is neither here nor there.

You are allowed to disagree with me, of course, but please do not presume that I am ignorant or have not examined facts.


What’s that word dubya would use, strategery? Not quite strategy, not quite complete dimness, but more like possum and holding back punches,

And in this day and age, pulling punches is going to get you nowhere very fast. This is why people really like Trump and Sanders. This is why I say that she is not an adept campaigner. An adept campaigner would be going full throat at this point and not pull back any punches.


Thanks for revealing the real motive, though your premise that it has done damage can be challenged since only nut jobs (who would never vote for her anyway) believe the Benghazi nonsense.


The ads write themselves. Also, Rep. McCarthy? You do realize that you just gave Clinton a perfect response to all of this going forward? That’s not very smart.


That’s the same bullshit you all said in 2008 as your excuse for running her over with a bus, being complicit with what the GOP threw at her in order to vote for your messiah Obama.

Now, we’re doing it ALL over again. This time you’re blaming her in the same manner as you flock to your new messiah: an old white man.

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The email thing hurt more than this, I do not think most people think about Benghazi much outside of the right wing nuts at this point. As they are trying to take advantage of a tragedy. Again…


The Democratic National Convention is not until July 2016, and I don’t see any reason for any candidate including this one to go full throttle before then. We’ll see a debate October 13, November 14 December 19, and a few after those, and voters who care enough will begin to take her measure at that time.