Discussion: McCarthy, Chaffetz Say Sessions Should Recuse Himself From Russia Probes


“Why, here’s dear ole Massah Sessions talkin’ 'bout that very subject back in the 1990s”



Kevin McCarthy and Jason McCarthy should shut up and follow Reagan’s Commandments. Preshitident Trump should be allowed more time to bask in the glory of his fantastic state of the union-like speech to Congress, which was great. It was the greatest speech in congress in the last 8 years. Conservatives are saying that it was the greatest speech by a President since the Gettysburg Address.


Official cocktail of Bannon’s neo-Nazi White House

White Russian

Try this decadently creamy white Russian that is sure to please anyone with a sweet tooth.

1 - 1/4 cups vodka
1 - 1/4 cups coffee liqueur
1 - 1/4 cups heavy cream

Stir together in a pitcher, then pour into ice-filled glasses.


Now that legal experts are using the world perjury with Sessions, these guys are finally giving the public recusal. Priceless.

The GOP has been using the same line on responsibility as Trump as been, that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it. They need to be held to the same standard as their predecessors. All of them. Keep it up free press.


Sociopaths don’t really worry very much.

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Recuse? He should fucking resign. He lied under oath during his hearing and knew it, which is why they’ve got their “story straight” excuse that even the WH is regurgitating like a planned talking point.

Speaking of which, I don’t understand why TPM reports on this without printing the full question asked and full answer given. That’s the only way to really tell how BS their talking points are. These are basic reporting things. The story is not what “he-said-she-said” is taking place. The story is the substance of what they are saying and who’s more full of shit than the other.


“Drip, drip, drip.” Good headline. They are a couple of drips.

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I think that the more “transgressive” among them pursue the Black Russian instead: coffee liqueur and vodka without any of that mamby-pamby dairy product. Gets you drunk faster.

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Chaffetz calling for recusal is like Eichmann openly criticizing Himmler.


It’s the caffeine and sugar in the Kahlua that keeps Bannon so wired. The vodka is why his nose is so red. The cream? Well, just have a long look at Bannon’s gut.

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Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said in a tweet that Sessions should clarify his comments about contacts with Russia during his confirmation hearing

Oh, so if a Repub commits perjury, he gets to “clarify” after the fact. Got it.


Dear Kev,

If you lie down with dogs…fleas. Just sayin’.

Your Constituent

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You are right, a perfect headline.

Drip 1, Drip 2, Drip 3.

Recuse for perjury by the attorney general? No. He needs to resign and get himself a lawyer to defend perjury charges.

Chaffatz is soooooo ethically compromised. No problem fishing for emails but runs from blatant perjury.


Trump* Campaign Manager Paul Manafort – Forced to resign over ties to Russian Intelligence 8/16

Trump* Foreign Policy Advisor Carter Page - Forced to resign over ties to Russian Intelligence 9/16

Trump* National Security Advisor Michael Flynn - Forced to resign over ties to Russian Intelligence 2/17

This number may in fact be nine, but they won’t say why the six White House aides released week before last were let go.

And now Jeff Sessions.

Jeff Sessions 2/7/17, testimony under oath: “I did not communicate with the Russians.”

Jeff Sessions 3/1/17, public statement: “The conversations I had with the Russians were not relevant and I don’t remember what was said anyway”.

Which is it, counselor? It can’t be both.

Until Congress takes up their responsibility to investigate and address the widely reported allegations of Trump* and the republican party’s collusion with Russia to rig the U.S. presidential election, it is entirely reasonable to suspect that Trump* may not in fact have legitimate claim to the office; and that he may even represent a material threat to the Safety of the American People.

Only a thorough and impartial investigation can dispel this reasonable and valid concern.


Drip, drip, drip!! Sessions should resign or be waterboarded via drip, drip, drip!

Exactly so.

If this kind of situation happened with a DA in Texas or California, e.g., (the states where I was a member of the bar), the state AG’s office would take over the case. Barring that option’s being available, a special prosecutor must be appointed.


AKA as “The Potomac Two Step.”

Fine for me, jail for thee.



McCarthy walks back suggestion that Sessions should recuse himself from Russia investigation