Discussion: McCarthy Agrees With Trump: Part Of Russia Probe Was An Attempted 'Coup'

Definitely one of the dumber Okiefornians from the capital of Okiefornia, Bakersfield. How he manages to walk and chew gum at the same time is beyond me.


McCarthy, would that be the same tRUmp you believe is on putin’s payroll?


Every time McCarthy speaks, the collective American IQ drops a couple of points.


Coup? Are you fucking kidding?

Coup to what end? Getting the Nazi Qtip into office?

But then again this nonsense comment is for the unthinking Republican base.


Remember: They are not misinformed. They love Putin and are working towards an autocratic America. They know what happened, enabled it, and are grateful for Putin’s skilled interference.

We are not all in this together.


Hapless Pakled.


The dimness of the Dim Bulb McCarthy has faded even further…


There was an attempted (at least) coup. By Putin and Trump.


One FBI employee saying to another “I don’t like that Trump guy” and the other saying “Neither do I” is not a coup.


I think the probe began before Trump was elected. How was that a “coup”? Did Trump self-designate to be president?


YOU are the coup, ass. YOU and the rest of your authoritarian, anti-american, fascist “Republican” Party.


FWIW: my Fox News relatives are starting to say things like: “not all of us like Trump, you know! I am not a fan. I’m more of a moderate, etc” (whatever that means in a burgeoning autocracy).

I could have pressed to ask on if they voted for him and whatnot (not helpful, they most certainly did) but just said, “well, I hope that Republicans who oppose Trump step up to stop him and work to get him out of office.”

Any opposition at all surprised me…a lot.


That’s great news. Barr and Trump just getting started on their dig-up-dirt-on-the-front-runner campaign so I hope they stay strong.


One of the good things about being my age is that you come to realize the Republicans and their propagandists on FOX and Talk Radio, have zero creative ideas. The Coup is a recycled hysterical exaggeration coined by Roger Stone types after Watergate. It has been sitting around out there, invoked knee jerk every once in awhile, when Ronald Reagan committed impeachable offenses and when GWB was branded for starting a war over non existing WMD. Kevin McCarthy is not much of a thinker, or original. But this is their big opportunity to use that term. I don’t think the public is buying it, not after Barr’s exposure as just one more GOP con man.


ni yo tampoco.


So, um, the FBI was going to arrest Trump, throw him in a secret jail, occupy the White House, and dare the U.S. military, various police departments, the Secret Service, a Republican held Congress and half the population to stop them from ruling the nation.

Seems legit.


Whoa! This thing’s not registering at all.


The problem here is that McCarthy doesn’t know what a “coup” is, and thinks it’s the sound that doves make. He doesn’t know why making that sound is bad, but he knows that Trump doesn’t like it. Look for McCarthy to draft a bill to ban doves from nesting on the White House grounds soon.

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The only “coup” going on is the GOP’s blatant attempt to use this presidency, the Senate and their control in some states and over the SCOTUS to overthrow our SYSTEM of government such that it is forever unassailably rigged to give them and their white Christian nationalist neofascist movement ALL the power in and over this nation.

Guns and violence are quickly becoming MANDATORY. Don’t like that? Tough. I’m not advocating nor suborning this. I’m just observing that I think it’s an inevitable choice that’s going to have to be made. It’s where this country is headed if people finally decide they don’t want to be the feudal slave-labor of racist, bigoted Christian conservative overlords and their ignorant, undereducated zombie Confederacy base, spending your life watching all we earn, all profit and product our labor creates go to white plutocrats and mooching red states and used largely to keep us subjugated.