Discussion: McCain Will Return To Senate For O'Care Vote At Around 2:45 PM ET

Will someone please check for a pulse before his hand is directed to the “Yes” vote button?

I think he means that he will be back it time for the 2:45 cut off to get a booking on Sunday’s “Meet the Press”.

John McCain is a hero. He would cement his legacy if he flipped the bird to McConnell, Trump and Ryan and voted NO.


I’m imagining all the nurses and other patients begging him to change his mind. But that’s too much to hope for.

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His cancer is Karma catching up.

It my hope he wantd to play hero again and votes no…

I’m not optimistic given his party identification.

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Ultimate chance for shitbaggery here. I just can’t imagine a man looking down the barrel of a brain cancer death who is being treated at the Mayo Clinic actually voting to take health insurance away from millions. I can imagine all sorts of evil and selfish, but that just seems like a heart too blackened for me to comprehend.

If he does it, I’ll be the first to take a shit on his grave.

I was honestly taken aback to hear of his terrible prognosis. Casting a vote to save or take healthcare away from millions could be his final act as a senator and what determines his legacy. Although I might be too naive, I really do hope he chooses to leave this world as an example of a true statesman and not yet another miserable debased trumpfluffer.

Cancer victims, diabetics, asthmatics, expectant mothers, the disabled , and millions more are hoping you had an epiphany, Senator. Our lives are depending on it, Senator.

Fuck you, Sid McCrashcup!

May I refer the honorable member @tiowally to this superb rendition of the Late Night Stone Cold wrestling-fest on the Senate floor? Added goodness: the length of the clip, seeing Goopers’ reactions:

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