Dear Sen. McCain, instead of passively describing this travesty, why don’t you actively pursue the investigation to conclusion?
If more shoes are to drop how is it that the GOP is trying to do business as usual? You would think there would be panic going on.
By comparison to Donnie, Caribou Barbie now looks like a cross between Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein.
I thoroughly disagree.
Unless McCain in the privacy of a voting booth or at the kitchen table with his mail in ballot voted for Clinton, we have to assume he voted for trumPP, the man who trashed him because he was imprisoned by the North Vietnamese. Whatever he’s said since that day in criticism of trumPP is invalid.
McCain is troubled/concerned whatever about this, as is his SOP these days.
But I believe that he does see that the whole thing is unraveling now. And he knows precisely where the trail is going to end…directly on top of Trump.
I think the race is on now. The GOP is seeing if the unraveling happens faster than the 2018 election season. If it does, I think we will start seeing wide spread distancing if not out right condemnation of Trump. If not, they will try and hold it together until after next November. But smart GOP operatives have to be thinking that believing this won’t unravel faster is a whistling past the graveyard.
@dvdf1126 I believe there IS panic going on behind the scenes. And its not just about Trump going down. Its about a whole lot of them being implicated as well. Keep circling back to the audio of Ryan telling the House leadership to STFU about discussing Russian payola.
The Mahatma’s story did not end well.
Mrs. Von Holst tells me that NYT has Goldstone email quotes up.
Then how about taking a leadership position in this debacle?
Talk is cheap so “Outspoken critic” misses the mark. But Johnny’s gonna be happy to get Cindy out of his hairs.
I actually think McCain probably did vote for Clinton — Mrs. Clinton is closer to him in politics and Trump has insulted him so in the privacy of the voting booth he can be courageous. Not that that counts for much.
“If it’s what you say, I love it especially later in the summer.” He manages to get the old man’s syntax and incoherence all into one short sentence.
@sjay1956 I wouldn’t be at all surprised if any number of outspoken Rs voted for Hillary when they were alone with their conscience and not in front of a mic. But it’s all the vocal support even if half hearted that emboldened trumPP to go after his own party knowing he wouldn’t be punished. But revenge is a dish best served cold.
For someone who thinks there are “many more shoes to drop”, he does seem curiously uninterested. I would think he would be outraged that the guy who belittled his service to our country has been busy selling us out.
Does someone need to start slapping you guys in the face with all these shoes that are laying around before you’ll do something?
The GOP. The Discount Shoe Warehouse of US politics.
Amen, but ONLY by comparison.
He’s an old, good friend of mine (Lindsay Graham), and a lot of people like him," McCain said. “The fact is, seriously, I cannot vote for either one [Clinton or Trump].”
John McCain, October 2016
Oh shit…
Here’s what remains. He voted for Stein or Johnson, or didn’t vote at all, and none of them are acceptable choices.
@johnrm Tell me Diaper Don is not channeling his father right down to the !
“Media & Dems are extremely invested in the Russia story. If this nonsense meeting is all they have after a yr, I understand the desperation!”