Discussion: McCain Says Trump Never Apologized To Him For 'War Hero' Comments

Few things illustrate the gigantic hypocrisy of the flag-wavin’, yellow-ribboned, nobody’s-more-proud-of-our-men-in-uniform-than-we-are Republican base voters than their enthusiastic embrace of a draft-dodging chickenhawk who, in addition to his smear of McCain’s service, described his avoidance of venereal disease in Manhattan at a time when thousands of young men his age were dying in the jungles of Southeast Asia:

"I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era…It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”

Fuck Donald Trump, and fuck the hypocritical, near-treasonous Republican base voters who put him in office.

The only part of the Republican base that matches its poseur military supporters in hypocrisy are the Evangelicals.


I imagine that there are not a few republicans who are afraid of Trump’s terrible tweeting and don’t want to be the object of his unhinged rantings.

I imagine that there are not a few republicans who are afraid of Trump’s terrible tweeting

Which illustrates what pathetic, simpering cowards they all are. It’s no surprise that Trump bested them all—above all else, the cretinous, WWF-loving GOP base craves a man it thinks is an “alpha male.”

he’d have shit his pants at the first sound of gunfire.

Hell, he almost shit his pants sitting at his own desk:


Add the comments last summer to the Khan’s whose son died in Iraq!
And Trump says Kapernick is disrespectful to the troops.


If Trump had ever had the guts to go to Vietnam, he’d have shit his pants at the first sound of gunfire. The VN war was a huge mistake and history has proven the conscientious objectors were right all along (and thanks to patriot/hero Daniel Ellsberg), but it still doesn’t change the fact that Trump was born and raised in a veal pen. Drumpf’s life has been devoted to one thing and one thing only: himself. McCain should once again, a la Caesar, give a dramatic “thumbs down” on the Senate floor vote, then turn to the camera and give Trump a equally dramatic middle finger.


Az will often do something odd and elect a Democrat. But it’s no secret that two of the best governors in the past 25 years, Bruce Babbitt and Rose Moffard, both Dems, became governor when the Republican governors, Evan Meacham and Fife Symington, were forced out of office on corruption charges.


Trump was born and raised in a veal pen.

A brilliant and accurate description, but who will be the one to eventually bring that veal to market?


“Hey Johnny, ya know, I’m sorry I had to do what I did, but it’s politics, ya know, so no hard feelings, right? Oh and good luck with that thing in your head.”

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One thing that really cut down on duels back in that age was the consideration that a gentleman can only be insulted by another gentleman of his own class.
That leaves only Times Square barkers and amateur pimps for Trump to insult.

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"I was raised in the concept and belief that duty, honor, country is the lodestar for behavior that we have to exhibit every single day.” - John McCain, 22 September 2017

We should expect nothing less from every elected representative and our president. This deficit of duty, honor and country is precisely why Trump is unfit for office.


The insult was to all servicemen who were Prisoners of War. The apology needs to given to all of them, not just McCain.


Does POTUS know that Francis Scot Key was technically, like McCain, a POW when he wrote the “Star Spangled Banner?” Somebody tell him. And tell him I wrote this post from my knees while listening to “America the Beautiful” (written by a lesbian) and “This Land is Your Land” (socialist) and pissing on “Art of the Deal” (ghost-written for a narcissist).

Sorry, everyone. I needed to get all of the mean-spirited asshole vibes out of my system today. Thanks for understanding. And Senator McCain, I’ll apologize for him. We’re all very very very very sorry this guy is president.


Ok Djesno, get up and throw that ghostwritten vanity tome in the trash! Back to work.

Most of them didn’t. See also, George W. Bush.


Hey John. I’m still waiting for your apology for unleashing that Sarah Palin thing onto the world during your run for POTUS. That error in judgement cost you all of my respect, and it also caused the nation much more harm that the Demented Donald’s comments about your POW experience.

This is exactly why Rs tiptoe around and give us “I’m concerned” and “I work for my constituents” non statements, fear of pre-dawn unhinged tweets, also fear of what Turtle might be able to do as payback for taking a disloyal public stance.

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He may have actually done so. Turkish president Erdogan claims Trump apologized to him. Erdogan’s security thugs assaulted peaceful protesters a few months back. They were indicted for assault. Erdogan claims Trump apologized to him for the indictment.

So if you’re a brutal foreign autocrat who sends your thugs to assault a peaceful protest by US citizen, Trump may apologize to you. Otherwise, you’re out of luck.


On behalf of a grateful nation, I’m sorry we have a commander in chief who does not understand or honor sacrifice and service to country so I will offer my apologies for his tasteless remarks.

Sorry, Capt./Senator McCain- you deserve better than Trump.


Of course, that’s assuming you can trust Erdogan…

But I get your point – if there was anyone who Donnie would apologize to, it would be another jerkoff.


Hard to believe, I know—but that’s not a wig.

After his scalp reduction surgery to get rid of his bald spot, Trump learned how to make his hair look as though someone had nailed a dead cat to his head.