Discussion: McCain Opposes Haspel: It's 'Disqualifying' To Not Denounce Torture

I’m cynical.

Let’s see what happens when she comes up for a vote for confirmation.

k…then I guess McCain will have to again be Caesar Rodney.



Burning men, women, and children alive with napalm is also immoral, but John McCain became a “hero” by doing exactly that.

When a Republican unambiguously takes the correct stance it seems like a miracle. McCain is of course correct and genuine on torture and Haspel, and his position is not the result of any miracle. It is, in all likelihood, the result of his personal history.

You would need to torture all Republicans to bring them around to correct thinking on torture. So many Republicans, so much delusion.

[quote=“georgeh, post:23, topic:72037”]
John McCain became a “hero” by doing excactly that.[/quote]

And now he’s being punished by dying of a particularly virulent form of brain cancer, so virulent it may be passed to children and grandchildren.

I would advise against engaging with the purity trolls.


The biggest problem with Haspel being rejected is the possibility of someone like tom Cotton replacing her as Trump’s nominee.

She’s far fro ideal, but she’s better than any of the Trumpists who could be nominated in her stead.

Wrong language too. They only speak $.

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Well, I would not say he is “being punished,” but he is getting a lot more attention than the people in Vietnam who are still getting horrific cancers from the residual dioxins from the chemical Agent Orange that America soaked their countryside with.

Glioblastoma may be hereditary, but it is not contagious. What America did to Vietnam with Agent Orange will kill people for generations.

John Kelly came with an endorsement from Cotton, Senators believed one of their own, also a veteran, should know, the Dems regret having listened.

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I didn’t say contagious, I did mean hereditary, but do we ever forgive anyone for anything they’ve ever done as the spend their last days on earth? Yes, weep for Vietnamese, don’t weep for a fellow American.

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McCain never met a war he didn’t love. The only reason he is opposed to torture was because he was tortured himself. That seems to be the only way Republicans ever develop empathy: it has to happen to them.

If he had never been captured and tortured, he’d probably be cheering for it along with Cheney.

That’s praising with faint damnation.