Discussion: McCain On Gov't Shutdown: 'I Don't Want To Shut Down Grand Canyon Again' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #241115

What an idiot. Like it’s all about the Grand Canyon!!


Because the worst thing that would happen if the government were to shut down is the handful of tourism jobs that would be affected in my home state.

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Then do a fundraising event during which you jump in, Crash.


I used to wonder why news shows always interview the same bunch of politicians all the time then I realized it’s probably the only ones that will answer their calls…can someone break McCain’s phone and email server?

Barstool Palin would be shut down?


McPalin suffers from Delusions of GrandCanyon…

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“All those poor donkeys will be unemployed and we, i just cant have that”

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Fuck off, McCain! You’re concerned about a possible shutdown because it affects your state? Gee, thanks for not being concerned about all the rest of us, you old geezer Palin butthole-licker.

(Not meant to be putting shade on the people of AZ, just your “concerned” senator).

Yeah? Well, then again, let me re-think this shutdown thingie! You sure Peanut Butter legs will be shut down?

NO ---- NO ! — Do not call on the specter that must not be named ! ! —

(remember… Putin is in NY right now – Some one may be getting bored with nothing to do) —

So McCain, the veteran senator from Arizona, is worried about shutting down the Grand Canyon and the VA. As usual, a Republican is only concerned about keeping government functions that benefit himself personally.