Discussion: McCain: I Would Have Been 'Reluctant' To Send Troops Into Iraq As President

Discussion for article #225232

Perhaps McCain wouldn’t have ignored the ‘bin Laden determined to attack inside the US’ memo either. A McCain presidency would have also ushered in a new world peace and an energetic economy and magical unicorns would have been genetically engineered and given out to all 11 year old girls. Yes, a McCain presidency would have been the salvation of mankind.

What a douchebag.


The evidence at the time was very flimsy. It was the implied ‘we can’t show you the good stuff’ that held up the stack of cards.


John went on to say: “Now Iran that’s a whole 'nother story . . .”


And no doubt Jake Tapper and Ron Fournier slurped up every last drop of that McCain money shot. Good grief, what a perfectly Mavericky moment for our sycophantic media.


Everything looks like a nail to "The Hammer’ McCain.


He’s not making much sense these days. I’m pretty sure he meant to say this instead:

“I think that with my background with the military academy failure, experience crashing jets, and national security liability getting detained as a POW whose father is a top admiral, that I hope that I would have been able to throw all of my support behind the extremist neoconservative president at the time, and to act as one of his many congressional rubber-stampers to shore up my credentials with the radical right wing base so that I can run for president again and gift the world a Sarah Palin while I’m at it.”


What an absolute pile of BS. He has told so many lies it is all a jumble in that should have retired years ago head.

“I think that with my background with the military and knowledge of national security with these issues that I hope that I would have been able to see through the evidence that was presented at the time.”

Then why didn’t you? You are a US Senator, you could have questioned all the evidence at the time, you had ample opportunity and access. Liar.


Yes, he would have bombed Iran instead and every other middle eastern country he could remember!
Does anyone anywhere believe him??


But…but…but…but just last week Satan’s favorite son said the evidence on Iraq was rock solid.

I’m sure Tapper and Fournier will get right on that.


He picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate, a person a heartbeat (or a cancer cell) away from the big red button. What kind of backbone or decision making is that? He most likely would have caved into the PNAC crowd in the blink of an eye. The only difference, is that we wouldn’t have had that pep squad performance on a pile of rubble at the WTC like Bush delivered.


Reluctant! That’s a funny word.

What difference does that make if in the end he would have committed troops anyway? Reluctant doesn’t mean no.


He would have invaded Iran instead.


Good grief. Not to pull the Palin card out of the deck, but he couldn’t tell that she was an imbecile right out of the gate ? One wonders what other brainstorms he would’ve had if he were elected !


“I totally would have been an awesome President if I knew the future back when I ran. I mean, I would have done the exact same stupid shit as we ended up doing and still would have been an angry old shit and a war hawk, but I, like totally would have done it with a little more scrutiny”.

Says the guy who chose Sarah Palin as his VP pick


a real disgrace
a complete disgrace
a complete fucking disgrace

Oh, I give up.


Bingo, Psyclone, bingo.

Senator Bluto was a Chalabi booster before Cheney, Minidick Scooter, Rumsfeld, Bush the younger or any of that crowd; he INTRODUCED Chalabi to PNAC sponsorship; and he was also into PNAC in advance of any of that crowd.

But he’s old, irrelevant, wrong about everything, a proven incompetent and by now probably addled to within a paperwidth of brain-freeze. Let him have his illusions and the faux dignity of his two-seater Hummer Lawnmeister 2000.


Also, if Marco Rubio were president then …


This just in! In a rare interview, Senator and War Hero John McCain unloads a bunch of internally inconsistent self-serving bullshit and second-guessing of the president that ignores inconvenient facts. This reporter sat agog, in drooling admiration, without challanging him because he’s just that awesome and he speaks to the press so rarely, it seemed like it would be disrespectful.