Exactly it Bravo
Get ready for the crazy that will be unleashed in the next primary round .
Those Trumpettes ain’t going away and will be head hunting in 2018.
We can only hope they push them into Todd Akin and Sharon Angle territory and provide us with totally un-electable opponents
I have said it repeatedly. There will not be a 9th member of SCOTUS until there is a Democratic majority in the Senate.
They will never give a Democratic president’s nominee a hearing. Never. This is the party of Trump, after all.
The Former American Patriot chooses Party over country and The Constitution which clearly states The President shall nominate with advise and consent from the Senate not OBSTRUCTION FROM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY. The majority shall not rule in the Republican Party they seek to destroy our Democracy. Democarts African American, Latinos,AsianAmericans, Women, Young People Muslim Americans Vote Vote Vote it is the only way to preserve the United States and The constitution. When we vote we win! Old White Men over 65 no college, cannot rule this great diverse country.
We will see how seats they have left after November 8th. They might not even be in control and might be unable to block anything.
Exactly. This is how history is written. Our SCOTUS makeup has changed. Permanently*.
- until Dems control the Senate, that is.
If it makes you feel better, even if he gets reelected (twice) it’s unlikely McCain will be around to obstruct for all of those eight years.
Remember when McCain was supposedly one of the honorable ones? Oh, and fuck you, Lieberman.
hahahaha like Republicans can be counted on to keep their word.
Hmm, you’re probably right. I just…I don’t know. I don’t think he’s winning back any Trumpers now. Maybe I was giving him the benefit of the doubt…not that he deserves it now.
With a little luck and a lot of work, we should have a Democratic Senate majority this January.
I guess sooner or later Ginsburg will retire and then they will have a majority again. That is their reasoning, I guess. For that matter Breyer will retire at some point as well. There will be 5-6 people left on the court at the end of Clinton’s 1st term, but whatever it takes, right GOP? They’d better hope nothing happens to Anthony Kennedy
I’ve never been a fan of McCain but he has often been one of the few Republican Senators who honors the old bipartisan traditions of the Senate. This statement is extremely disappointing, to say the least, and completely unacceptable. The message is that Democratic Presidents aren’t allowed to appoint Supreme Court Justices; only Republican Presidents have that right.
I have to say that this is simply undemocratic and un-American, and if put into practice by the Republicans, could spell the beginning of the end for the American governmental experiment.
That’s right…They fucking built that! I’m so mad…I feel its my obligation to take a break from this insanity and nonsense again. I just don’t have it in me anymore to keep registering my outrage at these nihilistic plans by the same people that haven’t a spine in them to denounce the mess they helped create.
McWar continues to want to have it both ways. Its crazy-making at its core. The mind-fuckers continue to think they hold all the cards. Well, we’ll see come election day when hopefully, I pray, we take back the Senate.
Arizona, you can do so much better than this old fart. He’s well past his prime in oh-so many ways.
Fuck you old man - you stand a pretty good chance of losing your re-election.
More likely he’s banking on RBG keeling over so that they have a 4-3 split on the bench.
I’m just surprised that Thomas is still breathing - the parasite so rarely lives this long once its host is dead…
The Will of The People means NOTHING to McCain or his party? Yeah, we all suspected that about the GOP, but that’s WHAT HE JUST SAID?
Oh my.
John, you just lost your place in this world. You’re willing to place the US in a constitutional crisis? No one will let you or your pals do that. There’s too much (money, humanity, international justice, climate devastation) at stake.
Step aside, John McCain. Your time is over. Dead man walking.
I see. So the American people don’t get to decide.
The myth of McCain as the mavericky truth-teller and decent guy was smashed eight years ago for anyone with eyes to see. He’s absolutely amoral. There’s no centuries-old norm he won’t violate if it could do him one crumb of good this afternoon. Worse than Trump, if you ask me, because Trump has the excuse of being nuts. This is just despicable.
When a politician is scared, the vacillate.
This is exactly what is wrong with the Republican party. In the past Republicans would have negotiated for a moderate nominee (which is how a democracy is supposed to work.) These days it is all scorched earth all the time. This is a prime example of party over country and why America needs to reject the Republican party.
No, a comment like this will do nothing to motivate Democrats on senate down ballot races.
You forget that John?