Discussion: McCain Blasts 'Half-Baked, Spurious Nationalism' In US (VIDEO)

He’s right and I think it’s a net good that he’s saying this now, but “half-baked, spurious nationalism” has been the definition of the Republican party since Reagan or before. Hell, Sarah Palin is the definition of the term and look who put her on a pedestal.


Things are half way to fully baked, apparently.

( :-1: )

I’d like to see more from McCain than I’ve seen so far, but let’s also not treat this as a binary discussion. McCain has been taking some actual actions against Trump and his trash-ass agenda.

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Trump: WTF is sperious? Is that even a word? I am a proud white nationalist. Nothing sperrious about it.

Oh, those wacky Rethugliklans.

[hashtag] stopthescalpings???

(BTW: Although they look like the work of a demented comedian all of the above are 100% real.)

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Hey McCain, You’ve been undermining the moral and ethical leadership of the USA for at least 8 years under the previous president. What do your words mean now?

Yep! Those Messican lawn guys been taking the tops off some of the high spots in her lawn.

To be fair, he was the deciding vote on preventing the Obamacare repeal


Ash-heap of history. Where have I heard that before? Sounds vaguely Marxist…

Counting down to the claim that he plagiarized it, it’s un-American and/or that it’s the brain cancer talking…

I am gonna miss McCain’s occasional moments of clarity. I just wish he had named trump.

She thinks the “hanoi hilton” was a hotel i guess. Air head fom the image but if she is a boomer she should have been round and aware in the 70’s. Then again maybe not aware even now.

I’m fine with him not saying Trump’s name. We all know who he’s talking about and the name is only a magic totem to his most rabid followers and, of course, to Trump himself.

It’s also necessary for prominent Republicans to speak out, because the other side is trying to drown the conversation. It really is a non-partisan issue, and if his omissions make it a bit easier for his words to be seen as above the fray of “politics” maybe that’s a good thing.

That said, this is extremely thin gruel, and unless he follows up with both actions and more introspective words about his own role in this, he’s doing nothing more than trying to put lipstick on his own pig.

#Thatsa spicy a-milqe-a-toast!

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Nothing like facing one’s imminent mortality to bring into focus what really matters. He is not just thinking about petty things – but the survival of his family and country. I am glad he has the capacity to stand up and speak the truth while he still can. I can remember his stumbles and poor judgement in the past and still admire the man for his heartfelt determination to do the right thing now.


The letter is in the mail, or will go out tonight.


Agree. McCain, the son and grandson of a Navy admiral, came of age at a time when we shared a sense of national purpose and a belief in American ideals.

Whatever else he may be criticized for, it probably breaks his heart to have witnessed the spread of this unearned cynicism and mindless nihilism masquerading as populism and nationalism.


I was moved by his speech. What did you hear? He didn’t use the term Nazi, but the call out of trump et al was perfectly clear.


John,do the nation a favor. Go public with your hatred for Trump. You know what he is. Say it publicly. Call for his impeachment. That alone will give you a place in history. You’ll be a star, more famous than Deep Throat.

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This is nice chatter and makes McCain feel better about the situation - McCain can put his head on the pillow at night and tell himself that ‘at least I said something’ … but the reality is that for a person in McCain’s position, it is not enough to ‘say something’ - hell, McCain has a free pass to say whatever he wants - POW, Presidential Candidate, senior Senator - engaged in a death battle with cancer - and not up for reelection - he can say anything - so what …
Now if he actually DID something
It would be far more meaningful - if he said the NATION is far more important than party-line loyalty - and when the party is blindly being carried along by a demented zealot and his crazed followers it is time to do whatever is possible to thwart the insanity - therefore - effectively immediately - I am an independent and I will nominally caucus with the Democrats - I reserve all rights to be independent in my thinking - I hope two more of my colleagues will join me - and we will take control of the Senate away from the hands of the sheep who are rubber stamping the insanities of Trump.

  • that would be bold & truly a service to your nation sir!

Look, I’m glad he’s speaking out, and sadly this is more than most GOPers are willing to do.

But failing to name Trump as the person spearheading this “half-baked, spurious nationalism” is classic Milquetoast Maverick.

Hence the snark.

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