Discussion: McCabe Book Recounts Gov't Grappling With Flynn Lies About Russian Sanction Convos

What interests me is that as McCabe describes it the reaction could be that of someone genuinely shocked, presumably by having been lied to face to face. If it wasn’t genuine, if Pence was in on the lying, it sounds like pretty good acting in front of a guy who’s trained to judge people’s responses and spot the signs of deception. It was a close observation, at any rate. I can’t answer your questions but it was as close to being in that room as we can get.


“To Flynn’s specific point, I had and have no comment,” McCabe wrote, “But I wonder as events played out: If you thought we were listening, why could lie?”

“Priebus said, Where’s you office? I said, the Hoover Building. He said, Where’s that?” McCabe wrote.

Can we get a copy editor?


This is interesting stuff. I’d always assumed that the “we had to fire Flynn [although apparently they didn’t] because he lied to Pence” line was thinly-disguised BS and that Pence was in on it all along, as were all of the other high-level campaign officials.

But now I’m wondering whether the answers are (A) and (B), and that Pence really is as dumb as he seems to be. Which is a scary thought if Trump is impeached, as he should be, and Pence is elevated to POTUS for the remainder of the term. :frowning:


@oldtiroadbike, yes! I wonder the same thing, if this article might be updated with additional info (what Maddow reported).

And the possibility of a White House memo listing all the bullish-t Spicer served up about this being requested by Schiff…SIGN me UP!

I saw: For Treasons not completely understood. My eyes!


Good one.

McCabe described this conversation in the 60 Minutes interview and it was hard to listen to. Since then moron’s been tweeting about crooked Hillary and former VA governor McAuliffe all being complicit in. . . oh, I don’t know, some fevered dream of his but involving Democrats and McCabe’s Democratic wife.

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Forest Chump or Dunces with Wolves?


Like the Mafia, Trump targets the families of those he perceives as his enemies.


trumpp and John Gotti shared a slimy lawyer, Roy Cohn, and they likely knew each other and might have had a loose friendship, or maybe a tight one. No one knows for sure. Moron has tried to sound like a gangster for years, a la Gotti, with calling people rats, and talking about flipping witnesses and most of all demanding personal loyalty from people around him.


How did a dope like Flynn make General?


At the time the news came out, I distinctly remember thinking it was laughable for Pence and Trump to pretend they didn’t know about Flynn’s discussions with Russian officials.

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Ass Kissing. See, e.g., John Bell Hood, Braxton Bragg, Tommy Franks, Mark Clark, The New Jersey Generals’ Owner, John Kelly.

Harry Truman on Douglas MacArthur

I fired him because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the President. I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that’s not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.

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Future House Oversight Hearing. Jim Jordan, wearing only his shirt, sleeves rolled up, shoulder and pectoral muscles rippling, begins his questioning of Andrew McCabe: “So, you like to grapple, do you?”

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This story didn’t age well.