Discussion: Mayors Whose Endorsements Used By Hillary Camp: We Never Backed Her!

Discussion for article #242001

Mayor Endorsements: The 2016 version of Sniper Fire…

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Mayors Whose Endorsements Used By Hillary Camp…

The story doesn’t exactly support what the headline claims. Is there actual evidence that HRC had the endorsements to begin with?

“Mayors Whose Endorsements Used” indicates she had them. “Mayors Whose Endorsements Claimed” might be better used if you aren’t going to support their existence.

It’s the manifestation of a “vast Democratic mayoral conspiracy” against her campaign. These mayors obviously suffer from “Hillary Derangement Syndrome”.

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Poor staff work.

2 Mayors saying they didn’t endorse …one doesn’t recall being asked and the other holds a non-partisan office in Texas and is not endorsing on those grounds.

Clinton’s campaign should check with all the mayors listed unless in writing just as a matter of courtesy but it is a minor slip-up.