Discussion: Mayor Plans To Combat Glenn Beck's Angry Fans By Donating To LGBT Group

Or from the same pay phone at a trailer park in Texas.


Bravo, Mayor!!
Or is it ‘Brava’?
Whatever…a fine position!

Probably all the EG sock-puppets that infest TPM

The majority of them still dial O and wait for an Operator.

one ringy dingy…

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Lighten up Francis.

uuummmmm…awesome.humans never cease to amaze me.

It is a perfect example of how this group works: let’s distort the story to suit our purposes, knowing full well the mainstream media won’t dig in and broadcast the truth.

Thanks to the poster above who quoted the real story, which (from what I see) is only that they are taking back their responsibility six weeks earlier than planned.

In Beckworld, this is a travesty of the highest order. In the real world, it’s a … what was that again?? Something about the rights of a government to manage the property that the taxpayers who fund the government are responsible for?? BAD government… BAD, BAD government (smacks government on nose with newspaper).

I got snowed in there once…

Its a quirky little town, and if the museums and witch shops don’t give you a hint what the town is all about, the big witch logo on the police cars should do it :slight_smile:

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Beck may well be “laughing all the way to the bank,” but when he wakes up in the morning and looks in the mirror, he still has to see Glen Beck.

And the cycle begins yet again.

Brilliant. Keep calling, haters!!!