Discussion: May Punts Brexit To Parliament; Lawmakers To Choose Between Delay Or No EU Deal

May said her goal remains to lead Britain out of the EU on schedule and with a deal, even though she still hasn’t managed to win Parliament’s approval for her agreement with the bloc.

Amd mine is to be the first squirrel to land on the moon and return safely. About the same odds I’d think.


I think you have substantially better odds of cracking that nut than she does.

Do wish that they’d just do the second referendum already… Bunch of bungling idiots, that they ever allowed a referendum on a permanent thing like that to be passed by a simple majority in the first place.


What a stupid leader Prime Minister May appears to be! Britain deserved better.


This whole thing has been weird. They CANT stop Brexit at this point, right? I mean they are committed to leaving whether they have a ’ deal’ in place or not, right?

I agree with others, there should be a new vote on whether to leave at all. These people were misled. :angry:


Heart broken Britons take solace in the fact that trump is even dumber.


Once again the coverage of this misses the key points (not hard to do with so many moving pieces).

What this actually is is May’s final kick of the can. The deadline is March 29, and she wants to put off what was likely to be a loss on a resolution to ask for a delay from February 27 (currently set day) to March 12. But the reality is that (a) there is no way in hell she is going to get the Europeans to move on the Irish backstop in a way that will get the ERG loons on board, and (b) the ERG loons believe that the Europeans will cave at the last minute, so want to push to the end (something that the Europeans are not going to do, they are fully prepared to let the brits commit national suicide, then pick up the pieces in a few years vs destroying the single market (and the Germans and Dutch and French think, encourage demands from other Eastern/Southern European demagogues for concessions)), and © the Europeans will only agree to an extension if there is something to discuss.

May’s plan was to blackmail someone into backing her plan, thinking the ERG would give in so as to avoid “no bexit” or that Labor would give her the votes since Corbyn is a closet brexitier. But her own party is now scared and Labor has put the squeeze on Corbyn, and the gig is up.

Can kicked or not, the Brits are going to have to give up something very real in March to get an extension. This would be either (a) may giving up on her red-lines and accepting Labor’s proposal, with a deal to be passed by labor and the pro-business side of the Tories, but also splitting her party, or (b) a second referendum with remain as an option. But I think absent something very real being proposed by May or passed by Parliament, that the Europeans are likely to say “well the deadline is the deadline, the ECJ (European court of justice) has given you the right to revolk your article 50 notice, and we are not doing rolling delays as we need certainty” and Force May and Labor to do something dramatic to avoid a Brexit that would shatter both parties and results in England’s GDP falling by 10+% Brexit w/o a deal = a great depression in Briton along with massive social misery.

The real news is not May trying to kick the can again hoping something turns up as a devastating no-deal exit looms, but that Labor yesterday finally took a position by putting forward an alternative soft Brexit with a second referendum in the offing if it does not pass.


But like rust belt and farm belt US voters, they were misled by rogues taking advantage of their stupidity. And just like Trump voters, they refuse to reconsider their vote, and their position is actually reinforced because the other side keeps calling them “stupid” .


There are further complications, the reason it was set at March 29 is because there are European Parliament elections on May 23-29, so if they kick the brexit can then the UK is compelled to organize the election, which was something they were trying to avoid.


Yeah, this whole thing is a mess and it’s all the Tories’ fault for seriously thinking that the EU was going to wear kid gloves with them. Even if they do remain in the EU, I suspect that they will lose a LOT of their previous consolations


Labor MP: “We can’t ignore millions of Labour ‘leave’ voters"

Actually you can. Parliament has the authority to do that.

If a second referendum rejects Brexit, you can ignore the Leave voters without a second thought.


No, it is not May’s fault. A no pain Brexit is impossible.

First order of business after the settlement would be to give Boris Johnson a haircut and to beat the hell out of that little shit Nigel Farge.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Bravo! I concur.

She’s had two years to put together a plan to implement Brexit. I’m glad to see the extension, but I’m not sure what another three months gets her. The EU will not relent on the “Irish backstop.”

Quite beyond the fact that Brexit was a stupid mistake brought on by former prime minister David Cameron and dishonestly promoted by the likes of Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, May has compounded the mistake by negotiating with the reactionaries and bigots in her own party to hold the party together and push through Brexit, if necessary, with only Tory votes. But she’s never going to satisfy those people. They will be quite happy to see Britain crash out of the EU. To maintain her shaky hold on 10 Downing Street, she has also had to climb into bed with reactionary Ulster unionists, to the detriment of the “Good Friday” peace accords that have brought peace and prosperity to the six counties in the north of Ireland.

There’s nothing magic about March 29. It was the end of the two-year window following Britain’s formal declaration that it wanted to leave to its actually leaving. No leader in the EU wants Britain to leave. The EU will be more than happy to go along with an extension. The EU is stronger with Britain in it (and vice versa). NIssan and Honda plants are relocating to Europe. London financial houses are moving to Paris, Dublin, and Berlin. The British health care system is in chaos as European doctors and nurses leave. Instead of the weekly 350 million (sterling) boost to the National Health Service England promised by Johnson and Gove, Brexit is on track to cost the British economy 800 million sterling every week.

An extension even for just 90 days gives the British people an opportunity to come to their senses.


The problem is that 90 days would be a one and only extension, and it would just put off the inevitable crack up between (a) a second referendum, (b) a no-deal exit, or © something like May’s deal, which is the best she is going to get, but is a horrible deal for the English vs continued EU membership. England will find itself in the same place in 90 days, and with the EU unwilling to give another extension for more “negotiations” rather they would probably only agree to a further extension if a second referendum was proposed, with an express “remain” option.

Europe is not stupid, and the ongoing chaos does no one any good. Unless a good outcome is in the offing, at this point the English have burned up the good will, and the EU would probably not mind seeing the English suffer horribly and regret their decision, its a good object lesson for the worthless Italians, Polls, and Hungarians who are causing trouble via their populist governements of what life is like outside of the club.

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My preferred solution would be to correct a centuries old injustice and merge Ulster back to Ireland. The Orangemen can move to England if they want to keep doing their marches.

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But the voters were promised, and voted for, a submarine built out of cheese and they can’t be denied. Kinda like Wall will fix all that scares you.

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Mine too.

You may be right. On the other hand don’t sell politicians short. We might be surprised at how flexible the EU is in an effort to keep Britain as member.