The Apprentice - White House Edition. Lord help us. Will Dennis Rodman be given a shot? Or Geraldo?
The sadly typical pathology with the unqualified business dude who just wants that bigger office but what could go wrong? He’s only the Secretary of Defense.
Just like the kings and queens of old. You serve at their whim and do their bidding and get rewarded with confiscated lands of your domestic enemies…
It’s a helluva note that a cabinet official’s FIRST qualification must be to please his master…and then maybe…some experience…or not.
Don’t forget the ability to pass a security clearance is optional.
Sort of reminds me of how Trump managers at his two NY area golf courses helped undocumented immigrants get better paperwork.
Sycophants do tend to preen and primp and flatter.
Hey he’s a businessman and they always do better in politics than political, government or military types. Just look at Donald!
Most dictators come to power (nominally) by “elections”.
Then they use the existing statutes to consolidate power.
Republicans were and are aware of this
And that is the difference between this era and the Watergate one.
It was malpractice of the first order to not stress this starting March 1, 2017, when MSNBC aired a three-hour special on Trump and Russia,
Of the First Order
…and now they are firing all the ‘undocumented’ workers as if he can somehow claim a moral high ground about hiring practices…wow.
What else would they say?
People are not lining up to be in Trump’s cabinet (Barr being an odd exception) so it is very possible Shanahan will be their only (best?) option.
Next week: A doubleheader! Kanye West as Acting Secretary of Education, and Kim Kardashian as Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services.
This really says all you need to know:
Shanahan has had some missteps, including … praising his predecessor,
Jim Mattis, after Mattis had become persona non grata with President
Donald Trump.
His lack of experience is most important qualification.
Also, folks can be interim leaders who would never survive Senate confirmation.
Trump’s comments about being able to do more with interim posts is just him saying that it’s easier to get his crimes done when he’s allowed to choose lieutenants that even the GOP Senate would balk at. The fact that they rotate through the office relatively quickly is unimportant – it doesn’t take experience or skill to loot the Treasury or obstruct justice or be used as an unwitting Russian asset.
Some also worry that Shanahan’s lack of experience will keep him from being an effective check on Trump’s mercurial moods and decision making like Mattis was.
So … he’s a shoe-in?