There’s a second blimp behind the Grassy Knoll.
I have to a agree. If George C. Scott and Anne Bancroft get involved it can only go downhill from there.
The $2.7 Billion is not a reasonable number.
$2.7 -Milllion- or maybe that’s the cost of the whole blimp program.
I’m convinced MSNBC just needed an excuse to trot out Brian Williams so he could still get in his weekly on-air quota of reporting…Must be in his contract.
That thing reminds me of one of my favorite early computer games I’d play with my son when he was young…“The Incredible Machine”.
Hey, there’s got to be a solution to this runaway blimp problem somewhere. Let me play around with this for awhile and I’ll get back to them on this…
Blimp hit a power line, apparently. 20K without power.
DoD projects are $2.7 million at the manila folder in a file cabinet stage.
Does the blimp have its own Twitter account yet?
Look how happy he is. Worth every penny!
Is it still duck season in PA? If so, hunters would have a real blast with that thing. How about that rogue former LEO with his private arsenal and ObamaRage? I’m sure he’d like to exercise his Constitooshunul rights and down this instrument of federal tyranny.
I heard it had to be asked to leave the Amtrak quiet car.
MARTIAL LAW!!! New World Order!!! Agenda 21!!! Black Helicopters White Blimps!!!
Send in the Drones
2.7 For a blimp? To protect us from a threat that no country is capable of doing? That just reaffirms what I have always believed, the military is just humongous jobs program. No heroes there, just parasites.
I’ve seen school laptops, and when they fly tethers on those can break too.