Discussion: Mass Protests Break Out In Charlotte Over Fatal Police Shooting Of Black Man

If the bowl of Skittles only has one that will kill an unarmed black man …


Well it was a black cop so he’ll probably get charged. SIlly black man to think he can get away with shooting someone, even another black man, just because he’s a cop!

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If police see gun possession as a reason for lethal action then doesn’t it stand that guns should not be possessed? Law officers certainly would have an easier time.


So the cops shot a man for open carrying in an open carry state, but because he was black all the gun nuts will side with the cops.


African Americans are not the only people who the MSM are claiming are not “excited” enough to vote for the Democrats…

[Two twenty-somethings…in August, 2018…Somewhere in the Kingdom of Trumplandia

Jose: “Where were you at the police protest in 2015?”

Pedro: “I was there, vato!! It was huge! What an event. Everybody who was anybody was THERE!!”

Jose: “Man!! The TV people came down and talked to us. Man it was cool.”

Pedro: “I heard that Maria even got a chance to talk to some MSNBC dude.”

Jose: “DAMN!!”

Pedro: “What’s wrong?”

Jose: “I’m late for curfew, man. The stormtroopers round up people** without armbands if they’re on the
street past 9 PM.”]

** Latinos and African Americans

But, hey…Nate Silver and his gurus always said that Hillary was not enough of an “outreacher” to get Latinos to vote for her. It really hurt in Arizona and Florida. Man…there was no EXCITEMENT for Hillary. Maybe Bernie can lead a Revolution.

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Shoot first. Ask questions later. So, tell me because maybe I missed them- where are all the incidents of unarmed whites getting shot by police while reaching in their pockets?


Funny how it’s much more often that black men carrying guns in a place where it’s legal to do so get perceived as an immediate threat to life.


Possession or suspicion of possession…if you’re black…so yes, black people shouldn’t be allowed to possess or own guns…won’t reduce the number shot, but might keep the one or two cops normally shot in these situations safer.

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Shit if you’re white you can wave it around and even fire it and they won’t shoot you. It’s so fucking one sided and everybody fucking knows it!

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If you are white you can take over a federal wildlife center by force and hold it for months.

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With a shit load of arms. Or walk around on a public place holding a real loaded gun and just have the cops talk you down. It’s such an completely blatant difference how blacks get treated by LEO than whites.

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