Epic Freudian slip…
He outa higher me. I never make splelling miskates.
Send it straight to the archives — Along with his candidacy —
Untie those delegates, Alaska … just untie them.
Well, another secessionist trying to untie the bonds of the United States of America! His plan revealed with a Freudian slip!
Hey. Soon-to-be-Highly-Paid-Lobbyists don’t NEED to know how to spell. Just how to sign checks to Politicians.
It’s a typo not a misspelling…people who live in grass houses…
“The undated letter, sent with a carbon copy to national party chair Reince Priebus,…”
If he has duplicate or triplicate carbon copy documents forms anywhere in any of his offices it's little wonder he failed. Then again, maybe he was too busy keeping tabs on his stocks to monitor the office supply department.
<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/5/520d9c4c07c41e55e7cdee6e780c50424dc949fd.png" width="665" height="500">
Untied and thirsty!
If TPM reported on their own typos we might prove another theory about temporal loops.
Ah, the good old days of carbon for copies when typing. If for no other reason for its existence it sure made me a better typist.
Maybe Marco has an undisclosed dyslexia? Or is that dylsexia? Just sloppy, writing an important letter with no re-reading. In a big hurry to mail it I suppose. Not really much of a story here.
But I proofread it! There were no red squiggles ANYWHERE!!!
– Rubio’s (soon to be, if not already, former) Intern
If it were me typing that and I had dyslexia, I’m sure it would come out as ‘dildosexia’ … or something or other. Very embarrassing … or not.
Alaska’s spell checker-n’-chief, Sarah Palin, tweets in Marco’s defense: “@Amerilamestream Oh…so YOU PEOPLE have never made a spelling error or typo. Grow a brain…morans’!”
…and then she went on to explain that her favorite color of the alphabet was turnip.
Dan Quayle?
Ah, the good old days. Like volunteering to print class handouts on the Ditto Machine down in the school office. 10 minutes standing over that aromatic ether spewing apparatus took the edge off that dreaded test after lunch for sure.
Well, it 's certainly not BREAKING NEWS but it does show that the guy is so horrendously far out of his league. This was the guy that some people on the Left (re:me) were worried about going up against Clinton.
Really, the Rube is best served by staying at a low level in any undertaking he pursues because he’s very lazy and has a lot of entitlement issues. As far as I’m concerned, this period in his life represents the high water mark. Oh, and he failed.