Discussion: Marco Rubio: I'll Give Up My Senate Seat If I Opt To Run For President

Please run so I can vote against you

Yeah, but let’s face it. If Rubio loses his Senate seat and doesn’t get chosen as VP, his political career is over. Nor can I think of any cabinet position he is particularly qualified to hold. If this guy has an original thought, its going to die of loneliness.


Sounds like Rubio has gone past denial and anger and is now into the bargaining stage.

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Im dammed sure the people or wack jobs of fla will be very relived about that desicion …hey do ya also wanna cookie with that pile of BS

I could see Rubio using a cabinet position as a spring board into a lobby shop where he could keep an eye out for investment opportunities. Is it legal for them to make a deal?

Willing to bet Marco is not going to run. He’s pretty stupid but not to the point where he would give up a Senate seat.

Not so fast! Before i give him passing marks on those requirements, i demand to see his birth certificate, tax returns for the past 14 years, and all of his arrest records and FBI files that could potentially tie him to any enemy of the US. He won’t get a pass until the TRUTHINESS is exposed!