More like " Squirm of the Worms " —
They were momentarily euphoric at the thought that they could finesse Pence into the top spot - but that balloon burst & the window was clearly already closed ( note how nobody is even discussing it now) - so now they are screwed -have to die with Trump - weasels are doing the “walk-back dance” … barfing word-salad down the front of their clothes and it is a GOP nightmare!
Dither dither dither dither dither dither dither dither dither…
or is it flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop flip flop…?
And what will these weasels say when the next revelation of HO’s sexism and brutality comes out? “Sure, he likes to abuse and demean women, but he’s OUR abuser!” Talk about rotten people…party before country, party before civilized behavior, I guess.
The next tape will be worse, and the Trump Support revolving door is going to jam.
I think they are afraid. They seem totally unprepared for the trump/bannon lynch mob to focus on them. They are capitulating right now, but that just buys them some time. Those guys are coming for them. Weird times.
Weasels can be cute and they serve a purpose. Craven congresscritters, not so much.
Now if you’d compared them to nudibranchs, all hell would break lose.
Those are real Profiles In Courage aren’t they.
Weasel is far to kind a word to be used to describe these morally bankrupt scum bags. If he is unfit to be President he is unfit to be voted for. End of discussion.
It’s the March of the Deplorables.
And history will remember them as Deplorable for being willing to sell out America to a lecherous stupid horrible excuse for a human being who couldn’t lead a kindergarten class let alone a country.
Why don’t all these junkies for authoritarianism just go ahead and move to the Philippines - their president is right down these deplorables alleys.
None of these Repugs like Ryan and Thune will appear with Donald Trump for fear of physical abuse.
To quote Samantha Bee you know Trump will be unable to control himself from grabbing such big pussies.
They respect women. They just don’t overdo it.
So, FINALLY, at long last, the voice of moderation is heard in the Republican party.
We shouldn’t be surprised. This is the same “party before country” behavior the GOP has exhibited for the last eight years.
If not longer.
I’m not surprised but I always hold out hope that at least some of them might still have some sense of responsibility toward the country and it’s so utterly disgusting that they don’t. Not one of them has one shred of real patriotism.
Not one.
Just four more joining the “never said that” brigade.
Oh… Geeze … I followed the GOP recipe ! —
The question will be: Are there more GOP/Teatroll voters voting Trump while swearing off the downticket candidates for their “betrayal” or more GOP voters voting for downticket candidates who can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump?