We don’t have a high immigrant population in eastern WA state. We are suing the president over DACA.
“Sen. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), the only other Democrat besides Tester who voted against the DREAM Act in 2010…” Donnelly wasn’t in the Senate in 2010. He won in 2012. The five Democrats who effectively killed the DREAM Act were Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Jon Tester of Montana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Max Baucus of Montana and Kay Hagan of North Carolina. Interesting that the vote didn’t save Pryor or Hagan in their reelection attempts.
Check Seattle.
Never forget HL Mencken’s admonition that a politician is a creature who would endorse something as repulsive as cannibalism if he had a constituency that practiced it. He would also serve missionaries for dinner.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hate him…oh god do I hate him…
Gimme a future WV Dem candidate who a) supports DACA, b) can defeat Manchin in the primary and c) defeat either Jenkins or Morrisey in the general?
Just one
This is what you have to do in these hick states to keep somebody worse from winning. It’s a dirty job, but Manchin is doing it.
YOU try it.
And do not forget who his daughter is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_Bresch#Mylan_executive.
Like when Schumer n Pelosi (aka Trump’s favorite boogiemen) got ‘45’ to agree to a three month agreement on the debt ceiling, right?
I forgot about the epi pen scandal.
What would the junkie of WV do without that brown Mexican heroin and meth? I hear it’s one of the states most affected by the opioid addictions.
The DACA kids’ parents, and immigrants in general, had the gumption to travel hundreds, thousands of miles, to find tough, tedious, often dangerous jobs at which they usually work their tails off.
Somebody please explain to me why I’m supposed to feel sympathy for those of Manchin’s constituents who’ve spent the last decade hanging around their hometowns, no work, no prospects, but refusing to grow a pair and move away or retrain, on the apparent belief that they are entitled to an eventual job in a defunct industry.
The Dems need to remove the D behind this douche-bag’s name … SMH I don’t think he’s EVER voted for something Democratic … LOL
Can we get all these lovely people out in a California field, at high noon, and have them pick a pack of to be pickled peppers? Water is down the end of the row.
You think heroin and meth come primarily from Mexico? (BTW, you know meth is not an opioid, right?) Like the kids are all still smoking Acapulco Gold rather than some loud that locals are growing in a garage.
I’m an addictions counselor in NY, but I can guess that most of the opioids used in WV are Rx meds like hydrocodone, oxycodone and fentanyl. In fact most of the heroin I’m seeing my clients using hardly has any heroin in it. It’s mostly cheap, sub-pharmaceutical-grade Fentanyl, probably from China.
I really hope you were kidding about the Mexico angle. Otherwise it’s a pretty stupid thing to say.
Spot on.
I know, I know, I know! Manchin could work on educating his people on why immigration would be a good thing for WV! Maybe they could reclaim the mining properties for farming or forestry or something productive, make adobe bricks instead of filling up rivers and streams with mountaintops, stuff like that. And Manchin could lead the charge! Use gubmint money to pay for retraining and stuff !
If Democrats captured all three branches of government in a landslide and put West Virginian coalminers to work building a massive wind turbine network throughout the Appalachian Mountains, thus allaying the “economic anxiety of the white working class”… West Virginians would still be racist as fuck.
Manchin isn’t a smart tactician for conceding to the racism and cruelty of his constituents. He lacks a moral compass, plain and simple. And in terms of pure cold-blooded strategy, he’s probably going to lose anyway, so he might as well do the right thing while he’s in office.
Unless, of course, he doesn’t believe in the right thing.
ETA: A bunch of people raised the interesting point that the communities that have the least experience with people of color are those most afraid of and hateful toward diversity. This raises the ever-present question of how we as a country are going to deal with systemic racism and bigotry long-term. Personally I think one part of the solution is to cover college or vocational school tuition for any young adult who serves a year in the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, or something similar. That would create a civic-minded and globally aware generation.
And we need Border Security.…because as everyone in West Virginia and Arizona and Alabama…and Kansas…KNOWS…we had border security when Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush were President…but stopped having it while Bill Clinton was President…and then we had real gosh darn border security AGAIN when George Walker Bush was President…but not while Barack Obama was President…so we gots to have real border security again and then Blue Dog Manchin will be able to vote along with the Republicans to restore some watered down, gutted and feckless form of DACA that Mitch McConnell and Ted Cruz and all those assholes will be amenable to.
I hope you have read up on the Silk Road operations, a Texan libertarian went rogue, thought no one should be denied whatever drugs he wanted, created a major need for Bitcoin, and we now have fentanyl streaming in from everywhere.