Discussion: Manafort Wants More DOJ Records About Scope Of Mueller Probe

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He will see lots of records during his trial. TrueDemocracyNow.org

Paul Manafort wants to see more records of conversations between Special Counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on the scope of the Russia probe.

What was that song that Trump liked so much? That he kept playing, even though the Stones asked him not to?

I think it was called “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.”


If Manafort’s Ukraine and Russian oligarch dealings that got him in so much debt, and the possibility or likelihood that his position as Trump campaign chairman could be used to provide quid pro quo to erase some of that debt, did not open up his prior business dealings for investigation … then, “follow the money” has lost it’s meaning and position as an investigative axiom.


“Downing, at times, appeared frustrated with U.S. District Judge Amy
Berman Jackson’s lines of questioning. At one point, he said the
hypotheticals the judge was posing were forcing him to dig himself into a

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Ah poor baby - you should have anticipated that and thought of a way around it before you ever showed up and started arguing = this isn’t moot court



What a choice. You’re going to get wiped by either Mr. Mueller or Uncle Vlad, just depends on who gets to you first.

Bye, Bye, Pauly…


Delaying tactic or something else?

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oh lookie! the traitor wants stuff.
i want to see him hanged for treason


Oh my:


Dear Copy Editor, the first sentence of the second paragraph needs your attention.

This is the Acid Trip from Hell.

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You get what you get. Don’t get upset.

No one cares what you want, Paulie Walnuts.

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What’s that phrase? Oh, yeah, “Gasping for straws.”

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“Downing, at times, appeared frustrated with U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s lines of questioning. At one point, he said the hypotheticals the judge was posing were forcing him to dig himself into a hole.”

These jeans are forcing my ass to look fat!


Downing, at times, appeared frustrated with U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s lines of questioning. At one point, he said the hypotheticals the judge was posing were forcing him to dig himself into a hole.

Um…Were you asleep during law school? That’s kinda the point.


Watch Manafort’s defense lawyers ask for an adjournment of the trial because they have been too busy on this fishing expedition to prepare for the trials they insisted go forward quickly.

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Yeah it is. I thought Manafort’s lawyers were supposed to be sharp. That’s a damn stupid argument.

In fact it’s not an argument - it’s a whine.


Slightly O/T
How many Trumpers are currently facing female judges? There’s Judge Amy Berman, Judge Kimba Wood, Judge Julie Robinson holding Kobach in comtempt, are there any more out there. This is soooo goooood!


If any lawyers here are willing to comment: is there any point to Manafort’s interest in what, to me, appear to be internal DOJ issues and unrelated to Mueller’s conduct of the investigation, Mueller’s court actions, and the evidence Mueller has presented?