All very true. I just think it’s good as a rhetorical strategy to ask, Why not last year’s returns, then? Whatever convoluted excuse they come up with to say “no” will perhaps make it more clear to the brain dead undecideds that Trump is hiding something and that it is likely to be extremely damaging to him. More importantly, it will make it more difficult for the media to report Trump’s line on this issue with a straight face.
Every day Trump doesn’t release his tax returns, a Hillary PAC should come up with a different, and ever more sensational conspiracy theory as to why he is hiding them.
I thought he said it would be a great idea to release tax returns. No wait, that was 2012 Drumpf who said that. Completely different person.
The IRA has already stated that there are no regulations to stop Trump from releasing his taxes. This also must be the longest audit in the history of the world! Where is WikiLeaks when we need them the most?
Recall Trump’s comment about “shooting someone on Fifth Ave and not losing a vote”. Among the Trump voters I think his tax records, regardless what’s in them would have the same null effect.
More like ‘he has great accountants’!
It has nothing to do with any country other than the United States and his normal tax auditing processes."
Wonder who his auditors are ? Certainly not the IRS .
The grift that keeps on giving.
And they need to keep asking, every day. And reminding voters that every other presidential candidate has done this for about the past 40 years.
And then ask again. “What’s he hiding?”
And again. “Don’t voters have a right to know?”
And again. Every day.
This is utter bullshit. Any accountant or tax advisor will tell you that making public tax returns under audit will have no affect on anything.
However, if there is politically damaging info in the returns, it is easy to see why the fraudster would not want them in the open.
Clear choice in November. Do Americans want agent of change or of Putin?
So Manafort basically just admitted that Trumps excuse for not releasing his taxes was a lie. Wow. What a shock
He won’t release his returns because he is owned by thugs, Russian or otherwise. It will soon be time for Hillary to surmise why he hides his truth. Such a HUGE truth as to land him in jail where he can bask in his orange glory.
Orange is the New Drumpf as a working title?
The fact that pathalogical liar Paul Manafort said that Trump won’t release his taxes might actually mean that he will.
Thank you, Mr. Manafort. You just gave the Dems a 300K-lb. box of Godiva chocolates, and you’ve given your own candidate the anchor of an ocean liner.
Keep up the good work, dickhead.
Shorter Manafort: “Go fuck yourself.”
Perhaps the oligarchs who have invested in him will not look kindly on their arrangements being exposed to the Western press and we all know what happens to people who disappoint the Russian oligarchs… See Alexander Litvinenko.
If the pressure rises to the point they have to be released, I suspect they’ll be leaked anonymously by the campaign so they can be spun as a gross violation of privacy that should be respectfully ignored.
I like this NYT times quote from article linked above: “Only Deplorable Donald — the worst possible Trump — has no incentive to disclose.”
If he does release his returns, and it implicates the Russians or ruins their plans for Trump, the Russians will release devastating stuff about Donald and ruin him.
I never used to think like a conspiracy theorist, but I think I could be a pretty good tin-foil-hat nutjob, if I do say so myself.