Sadly, I am afraid you are right…
According to him and Roberts we live in a post-racial post-corruption era of unicorns and cotton candy farts.
Now’s the time for Dems to introduce campaign funding to specifically address Citizens United. Make the GrOPers own it when they shoot it down. Relentlessly point to Manafort, the NRA, the Inaugural Committee, as nauseum, as the reason we need it more than John and Suzy Jones of Dubuque need to conceal their Tea Party donations.
I always hated that. That shit eating grin always make him look like SUCH a smug prick. But then again, maybe that’s exactly what he is.
Um…that’s 6:00 PM TPM time.
Ongwray indkay, ackgray.
I just remember Alito’s wife theatrically weeping, weeping, because Democratic Senators were asking him questions which were not in the tone of gee whiz you went to Yale, huh? Golly, you must be smart. We are so lucky to have you. You must be so impartial. Gee, shucks.
The FEC Wants To Know Why
Because they’re all a bunch of crooks! Come on! Wake up and smell the coffee, FEC!
3pm coffee. 4:20pm diggity dankity schweedy schweed
President Donald Trump claimed that he has “options” for funding a border wall “that most people don’t understand.”
Well I guess we know now what his other “options” are.
So you think she’s a zombie?
And again, real estate and politics combined into something shady. Seems the whole industry is in need of some sunlight.
Reminds me of the old Steve Martin joke.
You can make a million dollars and not pay taxes.
$1, 10, even $1000. Hell, even $10,000. I can see someone moving money around ‘forgetting’ some amount. But $1m?
I want to know more.
Just heard that Muller proved that Manafort was lying about his interactions about Konstantin Kilimnik. Why would he tell the truth about a ‘missing’ $1m?
Wait. What? We still have an at least partially functioning FEC? When did that happen?
Well, Manafort has just raised the probability of having his sentences increased! Judge recently agreed that Mueller presented evidence that Manafort continued to LIE after rendering a plea agreement!
I’m old enough to remember; just sad that you beat me to it!
CNN is reporting a federal judge just voided Manafort’s plea agreement with Mueller because he deliberately lied to Mueller in violation of the agreement.
There should be some penalty attached to the failure to report $1 million.”
or whom it was split up with.
the auditors must be so proud. a cool mill magically shows up in additional cash. must be nice. hmm, that’s about 66 million rubles.
The biggest development in the Russia investigation just happened.
Judge Amy Berman Jackson concluded that Paul Manafort violated his plea agreement and made intentionally false statements in connection with three of the five matters that have been identified by the Office of Special Counsel. The three matters happen to be the most critical to the investigation:
I. OSC has established by a preponderance of the evidence that defendant intentionally made false statements to the FBI, the OSC, and the grand jury concerning the payment by Firm A to the law firm, a matter that was material to the investigation. See United States v. Moore, 612 F.3d 698, 701 (D.C. Cir. 2010). [THIS IS IN RELATION TO THE SUPERPAC RUN BY TOM BARRACK THAT FAILED TO REPORT $1 MILLION IN CONTRIBUTIONS. THIS PAC APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN TAPPED BY MANAFORT TO PAY SOME BILLS. THE PAC ITSELF MAY HAVE COLLECTED ILLEGAL FOREIGN DONATIONS]
III. OSC has established by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant intentionally made multiple false statements to the FBI, the OSC, and the grand jury concerning matters that were material to the investigation: his interactions and communications with Kilimnik. [THIS WOULD BE WITH RESPECT TO THE UKRAINE PEACE PLAN AND THE SHARING OF POLLING DATA WITH THE RUSSIANS]
IV. OSC has established by a preponderance of the evidence that on October 5, 2018, the defendant intentionally made false statements that were material to another DOJ investigation. [IDK WHAT THIS INVESTIGATION PERTAINS TO, BUT THERE’S A MYSTERY ‘MR. X’ WHO IS ALREADY TALKING TO THE FBI AND AN ODD REFERENCE TO ‘SAVE THE CANDIDATE’].
What this means is that a Federal judge has now concluded that Paul Manafort lied to cover up ‘Collusion’. It pretty much proves that Manafort did share polling data with an agent of GRU, the entity that hacked the DNC, stole emails and shared them with Wikileaks to coordinate delivery of maximum political pain to HRC and max benefit to Trump. Mueller can now use that finding to establish a conspiracy case involving the Trump Campaign on violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act.
“How much is that in rubles?”
sorry, i stepped on your comment in a reply to the 1st poster. the answer, about 66 mill in rubles. we seem to have lost our trusting nature. i feel robbed.
I said on another thread:
At what temperature does one set the oven to cook goose?