Discussion: Manafort Claims No 'Evidence' Of Collusion As He Asks Judge For Leniency

The testimonial letters are pricless.

One guy said he wants Manafort free from jail so they can celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing together.


His attorneys claimed in the sentencing memo filed Monday that Manafort had been “widely vilified in a manner that this country has not experienced in decades.”

Oh reeeeally.


On one condition: They observe the anniversary on the friggin’ moon. With no return rocket.


Shouldn’t Donald have written a testimonial for his friend?

A testimonial from the President would have been very persuasive.


“Twenty-two? No, make that forty-four years. Next case!”


The memo criticized the “harsh tactics” prosecutors used against Manafort that “are usually employed in organized crime cases, not tax investigations or cases involving allegations that the defendant failed to file a form identifying lobbying activities.”

Are you really sure you want to go there? :smirk:


Wow, they’re really arguing that criminals should be treated leniently because they never would have been indicted if they hadn’t been investigated.

That’s a whole new level of desperate.


To the extent his defense is that FARA violations aren’t routinely prosecuted, I’d say he’s prima facie evidence why they should be.


You gotta admit this is rich:

The charges and intense negative media coverage surrounding them have destroyed his career,”

His career in bank and tax fraud? His career in which:

Manafort pleaded guilty in September to obstruction of justice and conspiracy against the U.S.?

That career?

Basically Manafort is claiming that everybody else does it and they don’t get prosecuted. And somehow I get the feeling this judge, T.S. Ellis, is going to buy it. But at least Manafort’s “career” is over.


I am going to enjoy seeing the back broken of these willful and committed liars. Die in prison Manafort.


Yes, this is his Hail Mary pass for a pardon.


“The prosecutions brought against Mr. Manafort have devastated him personally, professionally, and financially. The charges and intense negative media coverage surrounding them have destroyed his career,” the court filing said, later adding that a “lengthy jail sentence is not called for in this case.”

Actions have consequences, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


It’s beyond the pale that his attorney’s whining that’s served up as legal argument is all based on them completely ignoring we’re a nation of laws.

“If we hadn’t been busted we’d still be enjoying the fruits of our crimes so go easy on us.”
“Why did DOJ come down so hard on us when they were process crimes at best, mostly long forgotten.”
“He promoted democratic ideals, but if some people got killed along the way, well, you need to break some eggs to make an omelet amirite your honor?”
“My client’s reputation has been needlessly torn asunder, isn’t that punishment enough?”

and of course, the one they want to use:

“If one tentacle is destroyed, two will grow in its place, HAIL HYDRA!”


Yup, life and career ruined and he did it all on his own. Time to pay up.

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It does make me wonder how much harm he would have done if he had, say, been out for his own enrichment instead of being dedicated to “American values.” I guess it’s just a good thing for us that he only defrauded the treasury, participated in undermining an election, and misrepresented his allegiances to foreign powers. (And that’s what I can remember before my coffee.)


It’s a script for Hair Furor to crib from when he pardons this Great American. :smirk:

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Like rogues compared with decent men, shyster lawyers give decent attorneys (and, by extension, all attorneys, a bad name).

The kind of people who would get Manhattan for $24.00 are working overtime for Manafort.

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Keep him locked up with the rest of the tRump crime family.

This is a portrait of a man who had a chance to have a great legitimate career in Republican politics with all the amenities that would have brought him, but early on he made a decision to take the corrupt millions from dictators and continued to opt for the money his entire life. No one should weep for Paul Manafort or anyone who worked for him - whatever charges he may be convicted of, he has real blood on his hands. His love of easy money is a sickness that keeps getting exposed in this investigation, and this predated his work with Trump.


Manafort’s lawyers are just like him. Say and do anything and everything to get money no matter how corrupt it or the people you are working for are.

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