Discussion: Man With Assault Rifle, Pistol And Ammo In His Car Arrested At Trump's DC Hotel

Well, he was in DC but same law, I think.

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Sir, the only time I ever touched a gun was in Basic. Surprisingly I did well, p.o-ing the DI severely. But I don’t know guns. Now mini-bars, those I know.


Such hypocrites, aren’t they?


According to his LinkedIn profile, the guy arrested is an ER doc. Go figure. https://www.linkedin.com/in/bryan-moles-b7468468/


Concerned? Please be patient. It won’t be long until Alex Jones explains the the true meaning and relevance of the whole incident. Until he does we will just have to wait.


Being that he is a “trump supporter”, that should be descriptive enough for you, don’t you think?

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Look, either you grimly proceed toward some sort of nobly inspired megaviolence scenario, your car strewn with the most lethal weapons available, or you go for valet parking. Not both. It’s like the 1993 World Trade Center bombing guy who went to try to get the rental deposit on the van back. There’s a way to do these things, people. Sheesh.


You can have my Oreos when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.

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Is it me or is that just fucked up?

it is, but if the rifle wasn’t loaded it would be legal (but stupid) to carry it this way. If the handgun was loaded, then that’s what they’d charge him with.


Bring one pistol to Trump’s DC Hotel and you get a free lunch. One assault rifle you get one night free lodging and a extended handshake from the Pres.

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If Security buzzed Trump’s room a man with an assault rifle was sighted in the lobby you could follow a trail of Donnie’s piss to the closest broom closet.


If he’d tipped the valet better, it never would have blown up like this.


for comparison of consistency across time (or lack thereof)

“About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style
rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where
President Barack Obama was giving a speech Monday”

so, where is the NRA on this one??? They going to stand up for this guy’s 2nd Amendment?


No, the AR-15 assault rifle variation uses the .223 ammo. The 7.62 was used in the older M-14 and M-60 machine guns. AK-47’s may also be able to accommodate the 7.62.

Believe the M-16 also used 7.62 ammo.

I believe that is a prerequisite for GOP membership.


When I went through basic in the late '60s we trained with both the standard M-14(7.62) and the newer but less reliable M-16(.223). In the Nam door gunners and grunts used the M-60(7.62) machine guns.

search me then. Could be that they mis-identified the weapon? It seems you know more about this than I do. I know hunting regs from when I was a kid and target practice. Assault rifles and all that crap really aren’t my thing.

Glocks come in several calibers, 7.62 is not one of them. Normally the term is used with 7.62x51 NATO or 7.62x39 Russian, both rifle cartridges. And no the Bushmaster does not use any of those it uses the .223 .

So it’s either a mistake in the part of the cops, no pistol ammo is listed. Or it’s a false flag operation to justify more SS personnel at the Trump property and they just aaaaaaargh!!!

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Ah, that makes sense. Count on me to overreact when it comes to all things gun!

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