Discussion: Man Killed By Grandson After He Shoots Son In Family Dispute

11 year old Grandson: “OK Gramps’…I’ll see your .22 and raise you a 12-gauge.”

Murrika’s Gun Humpers…Winning Darwin Awards day-by-day, and improving the gene pool to boot, 2nd Amendment style.



See? Good grandson with a gun kills bad grandfather with a gun after neutral (?) son is shot.

Of course had there been zero guns in the area none of them would have died. But you can’t have everything.


Nope. Assuming it comes by it’ll definitely be that. Nobody can resist the orders of Joe Biden.

One less gun nut to worry about.

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All’s well that ends well!



I assume that is muttered while staring at their bank accounts?

The “Gun Fail” series in Daily Kos is a good source for a weekly tally.


Had it been Kentucky specifically?
He mighta’ also been his own uncle.
(C’mon Plucky. I know you’ve got a sidebar to this one too!) :wink:



Google: David Waldman
For the GunFAIL series at DKos.



And what a lovely trailer home they have…

Family values. Alive and well. Or not. Sweet, in any case.

Given the gene pool in play here, I don’t have great hope for the grandson’s future.

When I was growing up in Baltimore, the Sunpapers had an article about a father and son driving Northbound on I-95. They got into an argument about the air-conditioning in the car. The son pulled a gun out of the glove compartment and fatally shot his father. I’ve never forgotten that story, and remember it every time I see one of these surreal news items.


Behold: the near-perfect NRA family. If Mom and Granny had been armed it would be perfect.

I hear banjos. Yet again :::sigh:::

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At the softballpark last night I had occasion to sit and speak with the wife of another player who related this story to me:

This victim was a minister. He had performed services and counseling for the family of this player and his wife’s son’s (from a previous marriage) family.
Apparently this minister had long ago also been a police officer.
Someone who had been trained for situations such as this.

The player and his wife had come to ballpark from the funeral home yesterday afternoon.
According to the wife it must’ve been two shots to the head/face as it was a closed-coffin ceremony.

Worse yet. The block’s neighborhood watch had stopped this pedestrian prior to the murder; but he explained away his presence as having a mother who lived nearby-- though he was on foot in the area at 1am.

While yes, it was 2 degrees of separation-- having a personal conversation with people who are directly affected is chilling.



Ha Ha Ha. I love it. One more we don’t need to worry about.

Gun control through attrition. Who would have thought?

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You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs!

Just waterin’ that tree of liberty…


Do we have any idea what the hell was going on in that house?Was the grandson defending his father from his grandfather? Was alcohol involved? Whose house was it anyway? I would like to know how the hell this happened.