Discussion: Man Files Discrimination Complaint After Denver Bakery Won't Make Anti-Gay Cake

Wow. His religion sucks.


Whoa, shoes on the other foot and suddenly it’s a terrible thing. If you wish to defend the baker who won’t make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple’s marriage then shut your hole about this one. You can’t have it both ways, even though that is exactly what you want.

Yup, being anti-hate is very hateful.


I would’ve baked the cake, but with lots and lots of ex-lax.

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I called Marjorie and asked her to make a cake with “God hates Billy Jack” on it.

When she said that was hateful too and said her business had nothing to do with hating people, I said, “What people? I’m talking about the movie.”


“He also wanted an image of two men holding hands with an ‘X’ through them on the cake.”

Or hey…why not some freaky fag washing some other dude’s feet? Wouldn’t that be even better? Silly fags and their fetishes…


So he picked some bakery at random to potentially ruin with legal fees? Utterly unchristian grandstanding of the most vile sort.


Outstanding work.

I really wonder what he’d have done if he got his cake. Would him and his gay hating buddies eat it? Maybe serve it at a church gathering while smirking to themselves about how they’re surely getting into Heaven by eating God’s wisdom? I mean, I don’t see how the X negates the two guys holding hands, meaning they’d be eating gays. Or who knows, maybe they DO think that way, and consider it ok to pleasure themselves to gay porn as long as they put a big X on the computer screen first.

Or more likely…he’d have angrily tossed the cake into the trash and looked for another baker to harass by making them discriminate against him. Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. This guy didn’t want to do either.

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I’ve never notice those bluebonnets and mesquite trees in that photograph before.


Dollars to doughnuts Klingenschmidt put this cretin up to this stunt—just so he could introduce his stupid bill to make bigotry and hatred legal in Colorado.


Being gay = Hating gays. This is the way some minds work.

This is what is so pathetic about some of these Christian groups. Hating in Jesus Name and they pretending they are the victims of discrimination?


I don’t think that’s necessarily a good analogy, because the homophobe bakeries presumably didn’t have “gay wedding cakes” on the menu either.

Fr a lawsuit claiming ‘discrimination’ there has to be a protected group- one that traditionally and historically is discriminated against. Homophobic bigots are not a protected group. One could even make they case that they are a group that we should and must be held in contempt.

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the baker offers up a bible cake as a compromise and DrChaps supports her right to not do a bible cake? am I drunker than usual?


Yay Billy Jack! My wife went to a college that was so hippy-esque, we call it the Billy Jack Freedom School.


Seriously, this is all they’ve got left. Hatred and stupidity.

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It’s an interesting dilemma, based on the fact that to homophobes, a two-men or a two-women cake is as offensive as an outright nazi cake. In the end, you have to go with the fact that the same-gender cake doesn’t denigrate anyone (except implicitly, in that it celebrates something that homophobes find evil), while the “God hates *****” cake does explicitly denigrate. It’s also offensive both to nonbelievers as well as many other Christians.

In a secular society, we can’t adopt exclusively religiously-based animus in our public interactions. This whole situation nicely illustrates how crazy-making religion can be.


But that’s why they got one shaped like a bible while mentioning God, so it’d be about religious discrimination. And religions are a protected group. But then they had to make it offensive, or it wouldn’t be rejected. Because…duh, people don’t actually discriminate against Christians in this country and only reject bigotry that certain Christians attribute to their religion because it’s the only way they can defend it.