It would be wrong to say that it’s too bad his aim wasn’t better.
He made the mistake of leaving his victim alive to tell his side of the story.
George Zimmerman knew better.
Anybody see the irony in sending a guy who fires at Zimmerman’s car, to jail for TWENTY years, while Zimmerman, who killed Travon Martin under highly suspicious “self defense” grounds, walked? Buehler…anybody?
I suspect if his aim had been better his sentence would be shorter.
Yet Zimmerman, the ultimate deplorable, still walks the streets.
It’s not wrong. I am really surprised that he’s still alive - I really thought that somebody in the criminal underworld would place a price on George Zimmerman’s head after the whole Trayvon Martin business. I don’t wish the man dead, per se, but I won’t be sad when I eventually read his obituary.
If only Apperson had made sure his victim was dead and claimed self-defense - like Zimmerman did - he could have walked.
Boy, Karma really fucked this one up.
Not that I would pin a medal on his chest, but…
Not in my opinion, old_curmudgeon … not in my opinion.
You mean as in no sentence? Zilch. Free man. Right?
How is it not self-defense to shoot a man whom has proven that he doesn’t value other human lives, and is armed and prepared to use his weapon?
Shooting a car in road rage gets you 20 years.
Shooting and killing a teenager walking home from the 7-11 gets you a fundraiser from the alt-right.
This pair should have hugged a concrete block together and jumped over the side of a ferry boat.
Nah. Too gay.
Florida…where if you shoot and miss you get 20 years. Shoot and kill and unarmed teenager walking back to to his father’s residence after a trip to 7-11? Well…
Minority conseratives like Zimmerman have to be careful, they look just like minority liberals that are open game.
Marissa Alexander shot a warning shot into the ceiling to ward off her abusive ex and got 20 years. It was overturned by an appeals court. Angela Corey who lost her re-election this year (thank God) threatened to take her back to trial on charges that could add up to 60 years. Alexander took a plea deal that allowed her initial couple of years in prison to count with two years of additional time on house arrest.
WTF, Florida.
Sounds like a lot of questioning of our justice system in good old USA. How in the world Zimmerman got off the first time raised one of the biggest red flags in America about our justice system and we have had way to many more examples of the miscarriage of justice since 2013.