Discussion: Majority Of Americans Oppose Trump's Muslim Ban While Half Of GOPers Favor

Discussion for article #243687

And that is why this Republican Party will lose the 2016 presidential election. The former Republican Party is in panic. They know they are doomed and think by derailing Trump they can save the day. There is no saving this Party unless it undergoes a complete makeover and get in sinc with the rest of the country and the world, for that matter.


Well DUH!.. of course they support tRump. He’s political reality TV… Bring in HoneyBooHoo and DickDynasty crew along on the campaign trail and music provided by Ted the DrawerNuger…


Precisely. The “issues” that they have made the center pieces of this campaign are all big losers for them in the General. Just imagine if this one issue was the defining issue of the General election. 58% for Hilary? That would result in a Electoral College blow out.

And its not the only issue. Demonizing Hispanics, Asians, Blacks,Women…is going to cost them dearly. And quite literally, these are the issues that have dominated their campaign. They get one of them off the front pages, only to replace it with another equally unacceptable to the majority of Americans.

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Despite 54 percent support among Republicans for a temporary ban…

Sum up the poll numbers of the whackest top 3 candidates in their field, and it is pretty close to this 54% mark.

… but, of course, it’s just a coincidence, yeah.


This surprises anyone?

These are the people who screamed at people in wheelchairs during the ACA town halls 6 years ago.


Trump has shown us the “way”…Ethnic Cleansing, the American Way…

It’s called the GOP Paradox. It’s funny, and it’s not funny.


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There was also that terrible episode where Trump gleefully mocked the disabled man. I didn’t have the sound on so I don’t know if his followers laughed, but you’d be safe adding disabled people to the list you cited.

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Nearly 60 percent? The fact that the number isn’t 99.9% is an embarrassment.


I would have hoped for 90-10 for allowing in but would have guessed 50-50. So, hooray?


It’s about time someone headlined what the majority of AMERICANS believe rather than of REPUBLICANS.

The GOP is a minority party already and it is shrinking its base everyday by emphasizing how little it wants to do with anyone that isn’t white and conservative–and Christian. It has alienated Hispanics, blacks, Muslims and Jews with its no one but Christians allowed blather.

Enough. From here on I refuse to click on any stories about Trump. Time for the news media to give him less prominence–unearned–than he already has in their shows.

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True. But to be fair, the news cycle isn’t even focused on that majority opinion. The voices of the minority are getting far too much coverage in comparison, pundits don’t site these numbers, and the echo of that minority eats into the majority opinion.

It would be nice if a candidate reminded the media that these are opinions shared by most americans; that we aren’t all afraid, and that fear may rule the lives of some, it doesn’t shape the lives of most.

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That half the GOPers favor this racist attitude should be a scary scary thing considering how contrary it is to traditional non-political American values as expressed by the Constitution and our Founders it is.

“I am your father!!!23one!!!”

Thats b/c the 305 republicans they polled dont know the difference between a sunni or shitte.

This polls shows 36% of Americans backing Trump’s ban-all-Muslims plan. But only 28% say it would make us safer from terrorism. And only 25% believe it would be “in keeping with the founding principle of this country.”

This means there are at least several million Americans who think Trump’s plan would go against this nation’s founding principles, and wouldn’t make us any safer, but still think we should do it.

I’m sure there’s an explanation, but I suspect I don’t have the stomach for it.

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Someone explain this contradiction to me. Republicans scuttled legislation that would have banned people on the no-fly list from purchasing guns, insisting that many people are put on the list without any due process and thus their constitutional rights are unfairly abrogated. But when Trump and his sycophants propose closing the American borders to Muslims, including American Muslims traveling abroad, aren’t those people’s rights also countermanded in the same fashion? No due process to determine whether the banning is fair or necessary? How can Republicans simultaneously play both sides of this argument?

You left out women as one of the groups alienated by the GOP. A very big group.