Discussion for article #222288
To be fair, when Maine National Guard units are not federalized, he would be considered the Commander-in-chief (at least according to Wikipedia). God help those brave men and women…
Doesn’t LePew have anything better to do – like, say, stop making his state a laughingstock?
However National Guard units ore under the umbrella command of the Dod and units get reassigned by them. And if I was the DoD I wouldn’t talk to LePage either. But my guess is that LePage being the idiot that he is didn’t read the memo from the DoD
This guy is so nutty he should be sponsored by Skippy.
Let’s hope the people of Maine are smart enough to kick this shithead out.
Maine really fucked up when they elected this idiot.
Okay, fair enough: Article V, Part I, Section 7 of the Maine Constitution names the governor the “commander in chief of the army and navy of the State, and of the militia, except when the same are called into the actual service of the United States.”
But it’s still a total putz thing to say. It’s like, “Do you know who I am?” at a restaurant in Hollywood.
Maine - what were you thinking? I mean, really.
This stuff is awesomesauce for comedic ratings, but honest to the goddess he just makes you guys look like fools. And I know Mainers are not fools…or most of them aren’t fools. I do question the thought process of the ones who voted for this guy though.
If I were the premier of New Brunswick, I would beef up my border patrols just to be on the safe side…
I’m out of “likes” for now.
I was trying to ration them but damnit TPM has some really good commenters!
So I’m on LIKEdown for another 6 hours or so but I wish I could heart your post NOW.
TPM, please change this limit.
Everytime a story about LePage comes out, I say him again? Then I think this guy been in office for an extraordinary amount of time…but it’s only been 4 years! Feels way longer.
Maine. You’re getting to be as bad as Arizona.
he is just one wild rant away from a locked ward! maybe this puts him half a step closer
Be prudently abstemious, my son (or daughter).
“I’m a Maineiac, Maineiac, Maineiac! Listen to my body talk, body talk…”
The national Guard is under the command of the head of the Bureau of the National Guard who reports to the secretary of the Army or Air Force and hence the President of the United States.
The Governor can go piss in his shoe.
Oh God, not again…I’m an Arizona resident ((facepalm))
Well, it does take the onus off us in Arizona for an hour or two. At least until McCain finishes his afternoon nap. Then I guess we’re all Mainers.