Discussion: Magazine Apologizes To Lewinsky For Uninviting Her To Event Over Bill Clinton

Gee, I wonder if Town & Country would have invited Andrea Makris to the same event if Bill O’Reilly was the speaker? Somehow I doubt it.
And I believe Bill Clinton when he says he didn’t know about Lewinsky being invited, and frankly, I cannot see why he would even give a shit. Why should he? With that POS serial sexual harasser Trump in office and getting away with his pu**y-grabbing crimes, Bill Clinton looks like St. Francis of Assisi.
But I’m glad they invited Monica, after all of the effort and political capital she put into having the Assault Weapons Ban passed during her terms as POTUS during the '90s.
Oh, wait…

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Totally agree. Very few adults these days.

BTW, who in the hell reads Town & Country magazine?

Are you kidding me? A boss engages in a consensual affair with an intern, and blows up his administration. Women is forced to go into hiding, while boss man recovers and continues to put himself on the world stage. Twenty years later, woman begins to venture out publicly again and – after receiving and accepting an invitation to an even gets sh*t-canned because the great man will be in attendance. That is total bullshirt on multiple levels.


Town & Country! REALLY?

Cuz that gets me wondering about which mag Sean Eckhardt meant to reference here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8gyTEKG3A

Monica Lewinski has a lot more class than Town & Country.

(And boy, do I love being able to write that!)


You got it!

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She may be a wonderful person and all, but was there any reason she was invited in the first place other than as a result of the “fame” of having an affair with and blowing POTUS in the Oval Office? She should certainly not be shunned or shamed for a consensual affair, but is there any other reason why she was on the list? She shouldn’t be banished, but she shouldn’t be applauded, either.

The vitriol aimed at Ms. Lewinsky here is very disappointing.


If I say you’re a moran will you find an appropriate image for it?

People killing time in waiting rooms whose choice is T&C or last year’s People’s 100 Most Exciting Celebrities.

I see what you did there,

If Barack Obama had been invited to introduce Emma Gonzalez, does anyone honestly believe Monica Lewinsky would have been invited? Town & Country knew what it was doing in the first place, and thought they were being oh-so-Washington-insider-clever doing it, suddenly realized they would get slammed for it, disinvited Lewinsky, then had to apologize for that. What a dumbass move.
And I agree that Ms. Lewinsky, nor any other woman, should be shunned or shamed for having a consensual affair. Except, of course, by Hillary Clinton who, as far as I am concerned, had the right, if she had chosen to, to beat the living shit out of both Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton. And I don’t know about anyone else, but I wouldn’t want to mess with Hill. I still can’t believe she didn’t punch Trump in the nuts during the presidential debates when he was stalking her on stage.


Because blowjob.
Because TPM clickbait.


Not deliberately.

But now that you bring up the subject, in case you’re of the male persuasion, this is a good example of the sort of joke that women in the workplace don’t appreciate. For future reference.


I couldn’t agree more - or at least telling him “Stop following me around this stage, you creep” - might have swung the election.


I have nothing against Monica but what exactly are her qualifications for being invited as a speaker at a public event?

Shhhhhh! Be very careful using that word! Remember, Marcy Wheeler got crucified for saying THAT WORD on the air in July, 2009 on MSNBC. You remember MSNBC, right? The “liberal” network that allows Hugh Hewitt to take kickbacks from Scott Pruitt after firing Keith Olbermann and Martin Bashir for much lesser offenses?
Yeah, “Lean Forward!”, MSNBC, so you can kiss the ass of conservative media.

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C’mon man. This is so elementary school. You know, make sure not to put Monica in the same room with Billy because Billy hurt her feelings at recess last year. These people are adults, and can probably act maturely about the situation. Sure, it would be awkward, but they can probably handle it.

Now if this were about Trump and Daniels, I’d say invite them both and pass the popcorn…

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Uh, TPM:

According to Town & Country’s Twitter, Clinton was invited to introduce guest speaker Emma Gonzalez, who has gained notoriety for her advocacy work for gun control following an attack at her high school in Florida in February when a former student opened fire and killed 17 people.

the state of being famous or well known for some bad quality or deed.

Exactly what has Gonzalez done that is bad? C’mon, editors.