Don’t apologize for being human, the majority of the country is.
She is human (which is one of the qualities that make her a good journalist). She has nothing to apologize for. In fact, I think in the end it was as powerful a statement about the events as one could possibly make.
Maddow wasn’t the only one. Stephanie Ruhle delivered an evisceration of donnie and co. (on location in Texas ) while tears rolled down her face.
Sometimes things catch you off guard.
At some point, all of these stories will break the right completely. I think it’s getting close to that now. This can’t go on much longer, can it?
The heartless and evil, and even the clueless, misinformed people who support these atrocities are the ones who need to apologize … to the infants and children, to the parents, and to the rest of humanity. And those Republicans in Congress who know how cruel this is and the psychological, emotional and physical damage that it’s doing - but who are weighing those hostage children against the fear of their own political damage and not stopping it - well, for them I hope there is both a God and a Hell.
I don’t see a need for her to apologize. If anything, we should hold her up as an example. It’s good to see that someone, even after slogging through all that she has to slog through, hasn’t lost her humanity during all this.
She’s not the only one.
I like Stephanie a lot but she cries at the drop of a hat. With Rachel it was really telling
Never ask a question like that. Because Trump or one of his most heinous minions goes right out and does something to top it.
I have watched/listened to Rachel Maddow since her Air America days. She would frequently get verklempt over nice, touching stories.
I have never - not with Iraq, Katrina, school shootings, other tragedies - seen her get this upset and cry over something bad.
Navaro tweets poignant snark (perhaps a new genre) to put the ‘tribalism/grievance’ clan in perspective:
I mean, sure, terrorizing helpless, desperate immigrants is tons o’ fun. And taking tiny hostages in order to extort money from Congress is a blast. But for Trumpies, making Rachel Maddow cry is, all by itself, ample justification for – well, just about anything.
Well it’s gone on since the beginning of time and the beginning of the US. Near the beginning of the US persecuted people that were looked down on in other countries came here, But once in charge they tended to persecute people, whether native or immigrants, they looked down on. The US and world are changing very slowly. I believe it’s still getting better looking at the slope of the whole curve even if the slope of some year(s) may be down sometimes.
Madow doesn’t need to apologize for showing caring and concern. She showed more honesty and dignity than you’d see in a whole day on Fox.
Yup. Rachel wasn’t just crying. She was breaking down as she took it in. Literally could not speak the words. Watching her broke me down.
It is impossible to justify this, and watching the likes of the diehard surrogates ( like Lewandowski) attempt to do so is such a clear indication of how craven they are.
Unfortunately, Cheeto Voldemort’s next step will be to keep families together - in concentration camps.
Sick, sick, sick.
That’s ok, Rachel.
It shows you have a heart.
Unlike the opposition, which goes ‘womp, womp’ and says the crying is nothing different from what one hears in a day care center.
Except those kids in the day care center get to go home at the end of the day.
These kids may never get home again.
I appreciate the apology, Rachel. I won’t accept it, because it’s unnecessary and I don’t want anyone thinking that I believe crying over such an insane story is even remotely warranted.
I agree, but it appears to be having an effect. All but the most rabid Trump supporters are showing signs that they just can’t take it anymore.