Discussion: Lundergan Grimes Stripped Of Authority Over Kentucky State Board of Elections

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I really wanted her to beat Mitch McConnell a couple years ago.

Now it turns out she’s pretty awful.

I still wish she’d beaten Mitch McConnell.


Awful is a thing of degrees
Abhorrent is the starting descriptor for Mitch
He left awful behind several decades ago


Wouldn’t matter if she was a saint… she has the dreaded (D)


I want an election system that is free from cheating on either side. Is that too much to ask? I do realize that achieving such requires CONSTANT VIGILANCE!


I smell a rat here. Looking through this article it seems the general theme of Grimes’s apparent control freakery on the State Board of Elections is putting its proceedings more in the public eye. And here come the Republicans, pushing back hard against that and escalating the criminalization of voting. I am struggling to see what Grimes has done wrong here.


The big tell will be whether any of these restrictions are enforced against a republic secretary of state.


Gov. Bevin is a mini trump destroying the state and is up for reelection this year. R super majorities in both state houses at this time. Go figure.


Agree. But we can do much better than Grimes.

She is exactly the type of dirty politician who will then later implode at the worst moment, costing the Democrats a seat or even an entire election. We don’t want he to become the next Elliot Spitzer, Eric Schneiderman, Rod Blagojevich, James Traficant, or Bob Menendez (who will implode at some point, I guarantee you). Basically, an Anthony Weiner without the Weiner. Better to get rid of her now.

I live in KY, and I honestly can’t figure out what she did that was so wrong. Her political career was already effectively over, so this doesn’t change much. I just can’t find the crime here. It seems to me that the worst thing that was done was that people in her office were looking at everybody’s voting record.


Would the Kentucky Legislature have done the same thing if Kris Kobach was their SOS?

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A Ryan/Walker wannabe.

I guess Matt Jones just moved up another notch in his potential run against McConnell.

That sounds like some serious “Monkey Business.”

Doubtful. You can’t move higher than the top and this will have no impact.

Never assume that things are as they appear in Kentucky politics. But also, never trust the Kentucky General Assembly to do the right thing and assume everything it does is for an improper motive or simply imbecilic reasoning. Never, ever, ever trust Matt Biven to be honestly engaged in the people’s business. And it’s best to assume that Kentucky county officials are, at best, turf-battling minor potentates and, quite often outright corrupt.

The seminal book on Kentucky political history was entitled “Little Kingdoms,” a reference to the insane, ridiculous amount of power counties and county officials have in Kentucky, including excessive power over the voting process itself. She stepped on their toes.


Which is such a Kentucky “all up in everyone’s business all the time” thing to do.

She dared try to constrain county clerks and make the way they ran elections more transparent. Of course they revolted.

Not for nothing is the seminal book on Kentucky political history about not the state government, but the counties. Title is “Little Kingdoms.” Really tells you as much as you need to know, other than the oft-expressed wish that, rather than being restricted to meeting for 60 days every two years, the General Assembly should be limited to two days every sixty years.


Engage in a massive circle jerk bubble euphoria of high fives?

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OT, but does anyone else think “Lundergan Grimes” sounds like an unsavory character from a Dickens novel?