And since this was for official business, why was he using his personal credit card? Wouldn’t he have a credit card for official business?
Also, how could he possibly believe that he was going to find information about his opposition targets? Did he expect them to post their own pictures and under their real name? This makes no sense.
Discussion: Louisiana GOPer Used Ashley Madison For "Waste Of Time" Opposition Research—Not Cheating
Given the GOP’s long-standing war on women, “opposition research” is a pretty accurate description of what he was doing.
this gop clown is doing what most republicans do naturally, he’s lying. Who would have guessed?
Give me a [expletive] break!
Next is going to be the Chewbacca defense.
You gotta hand to some of these baggers, they can think fast on their feet to get out of trouble. The problem will be credibility, personally I don’t trust or believe him.
Yes, I’ll believe this story when I believe that the reason for Chris Christie’s low poll ratings for President in New Jersey are because they don’t want him to stop being governor of their state!
“Unfortunately, it ended up being a waste of money and time.”
LOL. So, dumbass didn’t have any luck in the virtual world of online dating either.
Doing the oppo research while hiking the Appalachian Train, no doubt.
Gee, that’s…creative.
But LA gave Vitter a pass for his admitted indiscretions, so he’ll probably be OK.
I usually think of ‘opposition research’ as researching prior votes, proposed legislation, stuff like that.
Republickens consider ‘opposition research’ to be trolling for sleaze. Policy? We don’t need no stinkin’ policy!
And yes, it is the conservative way!
Coherence is not their strong suit.
Probably exhausted from coming up with that lame excuse!
LOL, well that fig-leaf is not going to stand. But let’s see, trolling a site for illicit affairs to dig-up dirt on people who might run against you?
I look forward to seeing the names of every Republican and Conservative who used this cheating website.It will be good to out these so called family people who act like greedsters and bigots.
Someone should be asking, how many of the women’s profiles are real? How many are thinly laundered solicitations of prostitution? How many profiles are flat out fraudulent, designed to bait desperate, decrepit Republicans out of their membership fee?
This article is a bit fuzzy with facts. The dude may be the executive director of the Louisiana Republican Party, but they then go on to quote him, “As the state’s leading opposition research firm, our law office routinely searches public records, on line data bases and web sites of all types …” which leads me to believe he has two different jobs and that the “research” he was conducting was for clients in his law firm – though I have no doubt whatsoever dude also uses for political purposes whatever he might find helpful against political opponents, even if it was discovered using the lawyer/discovery route. From the client/lawyer opposition research angle, it makes sense people like himself would have accounts with sites such as Ashley Morgan.
So he click on 39 million profiles trying to find a photo of the opposition?
I’d agree with him on one thing, that would have been a waste of time and money.
That’s my story and sticking to it.
I wasn’t looking for extramarital sex, just seeing if my political rivals were by offering them some. And I wasn’t cheating on my wife, just test driving her competition…yea yea that’s the ticket…
'Opposition Research"? In my day we called it Yodeling in the Canyon.